The Spirit

Everything you need to know/do so you can improve your Spirit. Remember that only a balance between your Spirit, Mind, Body and Heart will improve you as a human. Don't neglect any of them. Be SEMP (Balanced Spiritual, Mental, Physical, Emotional) - Become sempie.

15 Most Thought Provoking Quotes From Confucius That Will Expand Your Mind

We are all unique beings who follow our own path. Some people excel in business, arts, engineering, sciences, and other areas where they make great...

Becoming More Aware Drains Your Energy And Here Is How To Recharge It

According to Abraham Hicks, we have two vibrational vantage points, which are our inner being and our physical body. In becoming fully conscious, our...

7 Ways To Raise Your Vibration And Eliminate What Blocks Your Abundance

Our world is currently undergoing an energetic shift that leads us to become new beings, more conscious of our true selves and our way...

10 Ways Solitude Can Unlock Your True Personal Power

In this modern world and age, solitude is an art that starts to lose its meaning as people often confuse solitude with loneliness. But...

7 Simple Steps To Become More Loving And Deepen Your Connection To Life

As humans, we all have needs that must be met at all levels. Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs has 6 levels, physiological, safety, love or belonging,...

7 Signs You Are A Light Bearer Destined To Enlighten The World

In a world full of confusion and change, a light bearer is the person destined to enlighten our path. Light bearers carry the mission of...

Astrology And Cosmic Update For June 2018: Here is What June is Bringing for...

If the last couple of months were all about taking that first step, that leap of action and faith, this month is all about...

10 Warning Signs The Universe Gives You When You’re Out Of Alignment

Humans are not sent into this world to merely exist. We're here for a reason. The Universe gives us the things that are in consonance...