The Spirit

Everything you need to know/do so you can improve your Spirit. Remember that only a balance between your Spirit, Mind, Body and Heart will improve you as a human. Don't neglect any of them. Be SEMP (Balanced Spiritual, Mental, Physical, Emotional) - Become sempie.

Emotions, Frequency And Vibration

When we dig deep in understanding of emotions we see that they are our response to vibrations. As we know, our perception depends on...


The world will change, that's a fact. How will it change and what will it become depends on us, all of us. It is...

Spiritual Awareness And Why It’s Cool

Let's fly and create whatever we want. How? Well with your Spiritual being. No, it's not bulls**t. Everybody can do this but only a...

What Does It Mean To Be A Human?

A human, what is a human? We are humans, but what are we? This question can be answered from many different points of view,...

The 4 Fun Types of Meditation

Let’s look at the most fun ways to meditate. In this fast pace way of living we must Find 30 Minutes Per Day to...