New Year Resolutions And How To Get Ready?

This period of the year usually brings happiness and joy. Everyone tries to finish with work and just start partying. The other thing this...

The Whole 9 Yards

Do you know this expression, “The Whole 9 Yards”? The origin of this expression is unknown but it probably comes from World War 2...

A Christmas Carol by Life Coach Code

A Christmas Carol by Life Coach Code, It was the night before Christmas. The world was calmer than usual. The streets were covered in white....

How to Deal With Family on Christmas ?

Ahhhhh it’s that time of the year again. The time when everything is a little bit more magical, when people are a little bit...

The Process of How Thoughts Create Feelings

They say that if we know how powerful our thoughts are, we will never think a negative thought in our life again. Why are...

Why Running Will Solve Your Problems ?

A couple of years ago I Started Doing This Life Changing Activity and it got me thinking. Why is running so highly rated and...

The Difference Between Thinking Mind vs. Emotional Mind

The greatest mystery in our lives is how our mind works. A lot of scientists invest their whole lives researching the conscious mind and...

At The End of The Day It’s All Just Cornflakes

It’s funny how life changes. Just remember how you looked at it when you were 5 years old. Young, innocent kid with joy filling...

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