Your Horoscope for 2018 is Here! This is What The New Year Has In...

This year, 2017 was all about new beginnings and going further in all aspects of your life while detaching from everything that holds you...

Proof That Your Body is A Universe by A Planetary Unity Grid Activator!

When we come across the terms 'Divine Consciousness', 'unified field' or even 'multidimensional perception', we don't have to go so far from home to...

Raise The Vibration Of Your Home With These 10 Tips…

It has been said that "Cleanliness is next to godliness." This means when you have a clean home and environment, you are likely to...

The 8 Most Common Signs You are Resonating With a Kindred Spirit

Because everything in life is made up of energy, everything vibrates. Every person resonates at different frequencies every day. When we vibrate with another...

3 Helpful Shower Meditations You Can Try to Calm Your Mind After a Hard...

Your energy is not always the same after a day of hard work! Some days you are energetic enough to attend a party while other...

4 Key Signs You Have Finally Made a Soul Connection With Someone

"To say that one waits a lifetime for his soulmate to come around is a paradox. People eventually get sick of waiting, take a...

10 Uncomfortable Feelings That Tell You are Absolutely On The Right Path!

When you are on the verge of change, discomfort is likely to take place. Breaking out of your cocoon and shattering the old limiting...

Can You Reach Your Spiritual Potential, or Is There Something Beyond?

With all the spiritual knowledge around us it's normal to fall into the trap that we know everything there is to know. Especially if you've...

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