The Spirit

Everything you need to know/do so you can improve your Spirit. Remember that only a balance between your Spirit, Mind, Body and Heart will improve you as a human. Don't neglect any of them. Be SEMP (Balanced Spiritual, Mental, Physical, Emotional) - Become sempie.

A Closer Look At What Some People Call The 6th And 7th Sense

When Aristotle was alive, he classified our primary sense organs as sight, smell, taste, touch, and hearing. Each of these organs contains receptors for specific...

15 Ways How To Open Your Heart And Find Unconditional Love

ā€œInfinite love is the only truth. Everything else is illusion.ā€ ā€” David Icke Love is full of wonders. It's even said to move mountains. Regardless...

The 7 Biggest Differences Between A Human Spirit And A Human Soul

The spirit and soul are part of the essential elements of the human being. But often times these terms are misunderstood used interchangeably. Even if...

A Native American Explains Why They Keep Their Hair Long

Maintaining long hair is not only a custom that every Native American has to follow. They have a reason that goes way beyond that. ItĀ goes...

Robin Williams Perfectly Describes What It Feels Like When You Meet Your Soulmate In...

"When you are with the right person, you will know. Every aspect of your life will blossom beautifully and trust me, that person will...

Astrology And Cosmic Update For October 2018: Here is What October is Bringing for...

The past couple of months were intense, the energy was intense and there was a rapid waves of letting go and dealing with past...

This Cool Video Will Show You Why You Shouldn’t Be So Quick To Judge...

What's the first thing that comes to your mind when you see an old and dirty man sitting in front of you in a...

Hilarious Video Of Kids Saying The Most Unexpected Things Is The Cutest Thing I’ve...

Do you have a moment from your childhood that when your parents think back at it they laugh to tears every time? Of course...