The Mind

Everything you need to know/do so you can improve your Mind. Remember that only a balance between your Spirit, Mind, Body and Heart will improve you as a human. Don't neglect any of them. Be SEMP (Balanced Spiritual, Mental, Physical, Emotional) - Become sempie.

The Ice Bucket Challenge Psychology – What Makes It so Irresistible ?

We have all heard of the famous "Ice Bucket Challenge" and most of us have already accepted it, done it, and nominated others to...

Fixed vs. Growth – What Mindset is Writing Your Destiny ?

The Human Mind is probably one of the most complicated subjects to understand, to know how it works and why. Scientist, Psychologists even Spiritual Gurus...

What is Magic? The Definite Answer !

What is magic? - Maybe the most ridiculous question that exists! Why? Well, you deserve an explanation before I throw this judgment in your...

The SHOCKING Truth About People – We Hide Behind Masks !

Most of the day we hide behind Masks - characters we play in the act of life. It’s because we feel safe like that,...

Acceptance from Society – Why Do We Beat Up The Monkey on The Ladder...

If the Nature of our Body is to survive, the Nature of our psychology is to be accepted. We always seek acceptance from society...

What is The Biggest Thing ?

They say that if we go up in space and observe The Globe the way we perceive our world will change. This is because...

6 “Piece of Cake” Ways to Deal With Anger

I have 6 "Piece of Cake" ways for you to deal with anger. As a Life Coach and the writer of Life Coach Code...

What is Anger ? – The Complete Guide

What is anger? It is that feeling of exploding energy deep inside of us; the intense irritation that clouds our judgment and heightens our animal...