The Spirit

Everything you need to know/do so you can improve your Spirit. Remember that only a balance between your Spirit, Mind, Body and Heart will improve you as a human. Don't neglect any of them. Be SEMP (Balanced Spiritual, Mental, Physical, Emotional) - Become sempie.

What Elephant You are Most Drawn To? It Reveals The Soul Contract You Are...

You enter into a soul contract when you come into agreement with another soul before reincarnating on Earth to meet with each other and...

A Buddhist Nun Shares The 5 Ultimate Keys to Unlock True Happiness In Your...

Before she became a Buddhist nun, Emma Slade was a banker. What made her changed her life course was a life-changing robbery incident. She was...

We All Belong to 7 Soul Groups! How Many Soul Groups You Have Yet...

If you feel you don't belong, chances are you haven't meet your soul group yet. The very fact that you feel alone at some point...

7 Most Important Signs Of Synchronicity You Need To Pay Attention To!

Synchronicities happen for a reason. They're not mere coincidences which you have to ignore. Synchronicities are the universe's way of talking to us, of guiding...

6 Steps to Align Yourself With Your Purpose

"Living our purpose" has been a popular topic these days. Why not when many have come to be aware of the depths of consciousness...

14 Signs That Will Help You Discern If You’re Truly Spiritually Guided or You...

Discernment is important in our spiritual journey. It is the inner voice through which our spiritual guides speak to us. Without true discernment, we will...

Here is What Each Finger On Your Hands Tells About Your Energy…

Everything in this Universe is created both by male and female energy. These 2 energies flow through everything that exists. These energies are kind of...

Horoscope December 2017: Here is What December is Bringing For Each Zodiac Sign

The previous couple of months were about spreading your roots and improving your life. The past month gave us a little time to have...