
Learn about the secrets of our mind and how to manage them.

3 Childhood Experiences You Need To Let Go Off To Feel Happy Again

Most people experience some form of trauma when they are a child. These experiences shape most of who we are today.

Harvard Psychologists Say: Parents Who Raise ‘Good’ Kids Do These 5 Things

Children are the future of humanity. Our children are the seeds we leave to the world. The way we raise them is literally the way...

7 Ways Your Relationships Mirror Your Inner Self

The relationships you have with others are the biggest mirrors of the relationship you have with yourself. Psychologists tend to say that we don't see...

How To Know If Your Partner Is Cheating On You Just By Listening To...

Every single person wants a secure relationship and a partner that is trustworthy. But cheaters are everywhere. A lot of us will experience their...

5 Ways How To Spot A Real Narcissist

Most of the time we don't see people as they are but as we think they are. The characters we project upon them are...

This School Sends Kids To Meditation Instead Of Detention And Has Remarkable Results

"If every 8 year old in the world is taught meditation, we will eliminate violence from the world within one generation." — Dalai Lama Schools...

Incredible Trick Showing You The Power Of The Subconscious Mind And 13 More Interesting...

The human brain is extremely complicated and the power of your subconscious mind goes beyond your imagination. Having a huge capacity to store everything that...

6 Thought Provoking Ways A Shaman Perceives Mental Illness Differently

Mental illness is often referred to as a disorder that causes changes in someone's behaviors and emotion. It's perceived as a disease that needs...