
Answer the hardest questions and question the easiest answers.

Astronomers Detect Mysterious ‘Icy’ Object Beyond Neptune’s Orbit, But Have NO Idea What It...

Scientists are both excited and mystified. A team of astronomers using the Panoramic Survey Telescope & Rapid Response System (Pan-STARRS) discovered something really weird...

‘If you can read THIS sentence, I can prove God exists!’

"See this blog post I just wrote, that you’re reading right now? This blog article is proof of the existence of God. Yeah, I know,...

Scientists Made a Surprising Discovery THIS Is Where God Lives In The Brain!

Religion and science don’t often mix. But in the case of religious experiences — bright lights, booming voices, visions of God, angels, devils or...

Steven Hawking Discloses: ‘I Am More Convinced Than Ever That We Are NOT Alone’!

“As I grow older I am more convinced than ever that we are not alone. After a lifetime of wondering, I am helping to...

Is THIS The ‘Most Convincing Picture’ Of The Loch Ness Monster Taken So Far?!

The world is full of mystery, and the "Loch Ness Monster" mystery seems to be one of the oldest. Our imagination and craving to find...

THIS Is The One Most POWERFUL Scene From Matrix That People Don’t Really Understand!

The machines, the programs, the matrix and in between all of that chaos, humans enslaved unknowingly used as batteries for the system. It turns out...

Remarkable Comic Explaining Why It’s Better To Really Understand Few Things Than Partially Know...

We live in a world which works by a set of laws. We observe these laws through factual outcomes. These raw collections of facts...

Watch Evolution Happen Right In Front Of Your Eyes!

We usually look at evolution as something that happens, rather than as something which is continually happening. And that's normal, we cannot really observe the...