The Body

Everything you need to know/do so you can improve your Body. Remember that only a balance between your Spirit, Mind, Body and Heart will improve you as a human. Don't neglect any of them. Be SEMP (Balanced Spiritual, Mental, Physical, Emotional) - Become sempie.

Centenarian Villagers From A Small Village Share 5 Secrets To Their Longevity

Nowadays, humanity's lifespan is the longest that has ever been in known human history. However, due to unhealthy choices, longer life poses a great...

If You Can Choose Anything, What’s The One Thing You Should Start Doing This...

Rest and relaxation are the most underrated nutrients for health. The past month we gave you a really important advice, deep breathing. This sole habit...

The 10 Best Bedtime Drinks For Weight Loss, Reducing Anxiety And Better Sleep

You should have a time for yourself at the end of your day to unwind and relax. Most successful people have bedtime rituals to...

5 Things That Protect You From Autoimmune Diseases

An autoimmune disease is said to be a condition where your immune system attacks the healthy cells of your body by mistake. When this happens,...

People Over 40 Should Work No More Than 3 Days Per Week, According To...

A recent study published in the Melbourne Institute Worker Paper series, has found that people aged over 40 perform the best when they work...

15 Reasons To Love Nutritional Yeast

When people try to go vegan, or steer their diet towards healthier foods, the biggest problem is to find the right foods that will...

If You Can Choose Anything, What’s The One Thing You Should Start Doing This...

Most people don't know how powerful deep breathing can be. The past couple of months we focused on activities you should do, how you should...

6 Ways Staying Near Water Can Affect Your Health Positively

People associate water with calm, relaxation and connection. In fact, when taking vacations, spending a day at the beach is often included on the...