Here Is How To Remove All Harmful Toxins From Your Body NATURALLY!


The modern lifestyle is not an ideal for health. Whether from the food we eat, the air we breathe, or even from the countless negative thoughts and emotions we experience throughout the day, we fill our bodies with toxins.

That’s why we need a good, natural way to detoxify!

“Detox Foot Pads” were first used in Japan. Their excellence is based on their ability to eliminate toxins. They ‘do their job’ once we put them on the bottom of our feet. The foot pads are worn on feet because they help circulate blood and lymph into the torso.

You can put them overnight so you don’t need to walk with them. The next day, when you remove the foot pads, you will see that the dangerous toxins eliminated from the body have darkened the pads.

After using this ‘foot detox’ you will feel: less fatigue, less joint pain, fewer headaches. These are all signs for reducing the amount of toxins in your body.

But the BEST news is not that THIS is all natural, but that it’s REALLY easy to make.

You can make your own natural “Detox Foot Pads” with only few ingredients.


These are the ingredients you will need:

  • Onion;
  • Garlic;
  • Water;
  • Self-stick gauze pads;
  • Socks;

How to make your own natural “Detox Foot Pads”:

1. Slice the garlic and the onion till they are well chopped. Put them aside.

2. Pour water in a kettle and let it boil. Add the finely sliced garlic and onions in the boiling water. Let it boil for additional 10 minutes.

3. Next, let the water cool off for 20 minutes. Then, pour the mixture in the center of the self-stick gauze pads, only enough to get wet. If there is too much liquid in the pads, squeeze the excess out. Also, try not to wet the sticky part of the pads.

4. Patch the self-stick gauze pad on the soles of the feet, especially at the center part. Put on socks so the pad won’t fall off.

5. Throw it the next morning.

Source: My Lifestyle;

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