The Spirit

Everything you need to know/do so you can improve your Spirit. Remember that only a balance between your Spirit, Mind, Body and Heart will improve you as a human. Don't neglect any of them. Be SEMP (Balanced Spiritual, Mental, Physical, Emotional) - Become sempie.

3 Symptoms You Are Spiritually Disconnected

Life is most often not smooth-sailing nor sugar-coated. Obstacles come and go. At times, they are harsher and stay longer. Some embrace them as stepping...

7 Signs You’ve Reached Your Highest Potential…

We are born whole. However, the moment we are born we start moving further and further away from this wholeness. The laws of society, our...

The 12 Signs Your Vibrations Are Getting Lower

Vibration is the energy that we emanate through space. It is a life force that flows through our entire body and dictates the flow...

Your Loneliness Tells You 5 Important Things

Loneliness has nothing to do with how many people are around you. You might be surrounded with friends, but still feel lonely deep inside. The...

These Are The 4 Key Elements For Love To Flourish In A Relationship, According...

Human beings have defined love in a thousand quotes. Their approach to love varies depending on which perspective they use whether it be romantic,...

29 Messages From Your Spirit That Will Make Your Day Beautiful

The Spirit is constantly nurturing us by sending us messages that come either vaguely or clearly. It wants us to grow into the most beautiful...

If You Experience Any Of These 5 Signs You Are The Carrier Of Your...

The karma of ancestral bloodline is called family karma. The most spiritually developed in the family will carry this 'energetic blockages' in the karmic...

7 Native American Beliefs Describe Where Our Soul Goes When We Dream

Dreaming is an integral part of Native American's tradition and spiritual practice. Since childhood, they teach children to remember their dreams so they can learn...