
Answer the hardest questions and question the easiest answers.

There is A “Force-Field” Around Your Body That You Can Feel According To Scientists

As early as infancy, we develop the fascination with our human body and senses. Babies find delight gazing at the movements of their own...

9 Ways To Stop Cooperating With The Ruling Elite And Their Control System

Everything you know about the world, the politics, the history, the story media is brainwashing society with, everything is fabricated! Reality is much different. Everything...

New Scientific Theory Suggests That The Universe Is Conscious And We Are A Part...

We are The Universe becoming conscious of itself! Science and technology have relatively bridged the gap between man and the universe throughout the history of...

Recent Scientific Research Suggests That We Can Access All Information From The Past, Present...

Recently, a couple of scientific facts about quantum mechanics were put together. The implications that were derived from connecting these facts suggests that we...

An Anthropologists Theory on Shamanism Says We Can Access Hidden Knowledge In Our DNA!

It would be wrong to try to analyze shamanism through science. To a material scientist, the philosophy of shamanism would be a completely foreign...

Humanity Is Stuck in A State Of Consciousness – It’s Time To...

“You are a slave… like everyone else you were born into bondage. Into a prison that you cannot taste or see or touch. A...

Scientists Discovered That The Brain Operates On Up To 11 Different Dimensions, Creating Multiverse-like...

Scientists studying the brain have discovered that the organ operates on up to 11 different dimensions, creating multiverse-like structures that are “a world we...

How The World Will Look Like In 1000 Years

Science and technology have advanced more in the last 100 years than in all of the previous years of human history. And more in...