The Mind

Everything you need to know/do so you can improve your Mind. Remember that only a balance between your Spirit, Mind, Body and Heart will improve you as a human. Don't neglect any of them. Be SEMP (Balanced Spiritual, Mental, Physical, Emotional) - Become sempie.

20 Profound Quotes By Carl Jung That Make You Better Understand The Mystery Of...

Our psyche is one of the strangest things you can examine. When you start to dive deep within you realize that you...

3 Childhood Experiences You Need To Let Go Off To Feel Happy Again

Most people experience some form of trauma when they are a child. These experiences shape most of who we are today.

The 5 Most Effective Tricks To Become Exceptionally More Successful

We all want to be successful, but rarely who really understands what being successful means. Success is not something you achieve, it's rather a mindset...

10 Signs You Are A Successful Introvert

It's not about the cards you were dealt, it's how you play them. Most of psychologists separate the world in extroverts and introverts. But reality...

7 Behaviors Self Respecting People Never Tolerate

Before you want others to respect you, you need to respect yourself first. Without self respect you will manifest such behavior outside of yourself. Self...

Harvard Psychologists Say: Parents Who Raise ‘Good’ Kids Do These 5 Things

Children are the future of humanity. Our children are the seeds we leave to the world. The way we raise them is literally the way...

12 Choices That Lead To Beautiful Life

Someone wise, I can't really remember who, said that life is a series of choices. And at the end of the day that's what...

7 Ways Your Relationships Mirror Your Inner Self

The relationships you have with others are the biggest mirrors of the relationship you have with yourself. Psychologists tend to say that we don't see...