Tag: Health

SHOCKING! Charlie Sheen Admits He is HIV Positive and Focuses on Raising Awareness!

Before his "meltdown" in 2011 Charlie was a men we all loved. He was that cool, honest fella who always got the girl. However, after...

These 6 Activities Will Boost Your Mood And Make You Fit

Putting your body in a certain positions is proven too boost your serotonin which means your happiness will boost too. There are 6 activities...

These People Reversed their Diabetes in 30 Days through This Method!

Diabetes is a disease that can happen to anyone. From old people to young teenagers everyone has a potential of suffering from Diabetes. It is...

Are You Too Strict With Your Children ? 15 Examples

Our children are our greatest treasure and sometimes, because we love them so much we make dangerous mistakes. One of the most dangerous mistakes...

Why Zeolite is Called “The Stone of Health” ?

Maybe you have heard of it or maybe you have no idea what Zeolite is, be that as it may this article will make...

7 Essential Tips on How to Meditate Properly

Meditation merges our body, soul and heart through our mind helping us achieve our true human potential. This sounds nice but the problem is...

Will an Apple a Day Keep The Doctor Away ?

There is a saying, “An Apple a Day Will Keep The Doctor Away”. Since the beginning of time, Apples got their epic title to...

What is The Deadliest Misconception We Have About Stress ?

The world today is a stressful place, we cannot argue with that. No matter if you live in the most crowded place of your...