The Mind

Everything you need to know/do so you can improve your Mind. Remember that only a balance between your Spirit, Mind, Body and Heart will improve you as a human. Don't neglect any of them. Be SEMP (Balanced Spiritual, Mental, Physical, Emotional) - Become sempie.

The Easiest 5 Ways To Spot A Fake Nice Person

The first day at college, you meet a friend, became roomies, had endless conversations, and suddenly you find out your friend is fake? They...

Philosopher Warns Scientists On Live Conference: We Are Creating A World Without Consciousness!

Recently, one of the smartest conferences of modern times took place. It was a deliberate discussion about artificial intelligence among some of the greatest...

You Are NOT Lonely! THIS Is What You Really Crave…

Loneliness is something most people don't really understand. When you feel lonely, and you somehow gather courage to ask others for help,  the 'experts' usually...

People Film Strange Vortex In The Sky Neither NASA Nor Scientists Can Explain!

People from a small town in Norway witnessed probably one of the most mysterious events in modern times. At first, there was a weird light...

Quantum Physicist Discovered A Shocking Truth: We Have LESS Free Will Than We Thought!

By using quantum physics, scientists have been able to determine a terrifying truth. we do not have as much free will as we are...

This Is Why Your Reality Is Not Real!

What if I tell you that you are the only one living in your reality? That there is no one else living in the...

NASA Is Going To Create The Coldest Place In The Universe! THIS Is Why…

Creating the hottest place in The Universe is not going to happen due to the fact that will probably obliterate everything in our Solar...

Chewing Noises Anger The Living Hell Out Of You? You Might Be Suffering From...

Does hearing how someone chews their food make you want to claw your eyes out? You're not alone. We all have sounds that irritate us....