3 Steps to Transform Your Life from Victim to Creator


Steve Jobs once said,

“Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower.”

If you want to create anything new, be it a new chapter in your life, a new business, product, service, or result…

You must step out of the follower’s shoes and embrace the mindset of a leader.

This shift in perspective can transform your life in an instant.

Embrace the Path, Not the Plan

Understanding that life is not a plan you manage and control, but an ongoing path you surf through, is crucial for personal growth.

When you let go of rigid expectations, you free yourself from the constant cycle of disappointment that often comes from unrealistic goals.

Research has shown that unrealistic expectations can lead to chronic disappointment and stress, impacting mental health and overall well being .

Control vs. Acceptance

Living life by focusing on what you can control versus what you cannot significantly impacts your self efficacy and confidence.

According to psychological studies, individuals who concentrate on controllable factors tend to have higher self efficacy and better coping mechanisms.

This shift not only enhances your sense of empowerment but also increases your ability to navigate challenges effectively.

3 Practical Steps to Shift Your Perspective from Victim to Creator:


1. Recognize Your Mode: Victim or Creator?

When encountering a hurdle, ask yourself:

“Am I in victim or creator mode?”

The victim mindset focuses on blame and helplessness, while the creator mindset emphasizes responsibility and solution finding.

This shift in questioning helps you move from feeling stuck to taking proactive steps.

Another way to recognize your mode is by recognizing the way you approach life:

  1. Is EVERYTHING happening to you?
  2. Or are YOU happening to everything?

The first one is a self victimhood mindset, the second one is the self empowerment mindset.

There are few things you can do to shift your mode:

Identify Your Thoughts: Pay attention to your inner dialogue when you face a challenge. Are you blaming others or feeling helpless? These are signs of the victim mindset.

Reframe the Situation: Shift your perspective by asking what a creator would do. For example, instead of thinking, “This always happens to me,” think, “How can I solve this problem?”

Take Responsibility: Focus on what you can control. Acknowledge your part in the situation and identify actionable steps you can take to improve it.

Practice Gratitude: Shift your focus from what’s going wrong to what you can appreciate about the situation. Gratitude helps to reinforce a positive and proactive mindset.

2. Define Your Purpose, Values, and Vision

Becoming crystal clear about your purpose, values, and vision is essential to maintain your direction as a creator.

This clarity acts as a compass, guiding you through life’s uncertainties and keeping you aligned with your true goals.

Engaging in self reflection and writing down your core values and vision can solidify this foundation.

Take time to reflect on what truly matters to you.

Consider your passions, interests, and the activities that make you feel fulfilled.

Then, document your purpose, values, and vision.

This can be in the form of a personal mission statement or a vision board.

Break down your vision into short term and long term goals.

Ensure these goals align with your core values.

Periodically revisit your purpose, values, and vision to ensure you are still on the right path.

Adjust as needed to stay aligned with your true self.

3. Cleanse Limiting Beliefs

Limiting beliefs are the invisible chains that hold you back from achieving your full potential and put you back into the victimhood mindset.

Identifying and challenging these beliefs is a critical step towards stepping into your creator state.

Techniques such as cognitive restructuring, mindfulness, and positive affirmations can help cleanse these limiting beliefs.

Here is how to recognize and restructure a negative belief by yourself:

1. Identify Limiting Beliefs: Pay attention to negative thoughts that surface when you think about your goals. Common limiting beliefs include thoughts like, “I’m not good enough,” or “I don’t deserve success.”

2. Challenge These Beliefs: Question the validity of your limiting beliefs. Ask yourself if there is evidence to support these thoughts or if they are based on past experiences or fears.

3. Replace with Positive Affirmations: Create positive affirmations to counteract your limiting beliefs. For example, replace “I’m not good enough” with “I am capable and deserving of success.”

4. Practice Mindfulness: Mindfulness exercises can help you become more aware of your thoughts and prevent negative beliefs from taking over. Practices such as meditation and journaling can be very effective.

To shift yourself and life, join the 30 days of transformation here today!


By shifting your mindset from follower to leader, employee to CEO, victim to creator, and struggler to surfer, you can transform your life.

Embrace the path rather than rigid plans, focus on what you can control, and take practical steps to shift your perspective.

In doing so, you will naturally step into your creator state and begin to craft the life you desire and deserve.

Follow Coach Hedi on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Pinterest, and YouTube, or visit my website for more info!

Hedi Schaefer, an awarded pioneer in Germany’s empowerment movement, has been transforming lives and businesses since 2010 as a Work-Life Innovation Coach, Author, and Mental Well-Being Expert. Her unique ©3C - InnovationCanon method empowers individuals to stop the struggle mode and achieve fulfillment and success.
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