This Exercise Will Give You an Instant Power Boost: The Power Pose


“Your body language shapes who you are.” — Amy Cuddy

Success often boils down to a simple equation:

A mental state of “YES, I CAN” leads to achievement, while “NO” or “MAYBE” results in weaker outcomes or no results at all.

This concept is rooted in the connection between our thoughts, emotions, and actions.

  1. Thoughts Equal Emotions
  2. Emotions Equal Actions (or Inaction)
  3. Actions Equal Results

When our thoughts are positive and empowering, they generate emotions that drive proactive actions, leading to successful outcomes.

The Mechanism Behind Our Thoughts and Our Actions:

Understanding how thoughts influence emotions, which in turn affect actions and results, is essential for harnessing the power of positive thinking and self empowerment techniques like power posing.

This relationship is often conceptualized in cognitive behavioral theories and is supported by psychological and neurological research.

1. Thoughts and Emotions

Thoughts are the internal dialogue or the narrative we tell ourselves.

These thoughts can be conscious or subconscious and are shaped by our beliefs, past experiences, and perceptions.

Cognitive behavioral theory posits that our thoughts significantly influence our emotional state.

For instance, if you think, “I am capable and prepared for this presentation,” you are likely to feel confident and calm.

Conversely, if your thoughts are, “I am not good enough, and I will fail,” you will likely feel anxious and stressed.

Cognitive Appraisal Theory:

This theory, proposed by Lazarus and Folkman, suggests that individuals evaluate and interpret events through their cognitive processes, which then determine their emotional responses.

This appraisal influences whether an event is perceived as threatening or manageable, thus shaping the resulting emotional experience.

Ok, so our thoughts create emotions…

2. Emotions and Actions

Emotions are complex psychological states that arise as a response to our thoughts and interpretations of events.

These emotions drive our actions.

Positive emotions like joy, confidence, and enthusiasm generally lead to proactive and constructive actions.

Negative emotions such as fear, anger, and sadness often result in avoidance or defensive behaviors.

Broaden and Build Theory:

Proposed by Barbara Fredrickson, this theory suggests that positive emotions broaden our awareness and encourage novel, varied, and exploratory thoughts and actions.

Over time, this broadened behavioral repertoire builds skills and resources that contribute to overall well being and success.

In other words, our emotions determine the palette of options that we can choose from…

3. Actions and Results

Our actions, influenced by our emotions, lead to tangible results.

Consistent positive actions usually lead to favorable outcomes, while negative or inaction can lead to missed opportunities or adverse outcomes.

For example, a confident and well prepared presentation (a positive action) is likely to result in a successful meeting or speech (a positive result).

Self Efficacy Theory:

Albert Bandura’s theory emphasizes the role of belief in one’s capabilities to organize and execute the courses of action required to manage prospective situations.

High self efficacy can lead to greater effort and persistence, enhancing the likelihood of successful outcomes.

So we come to the conclusion: the thoughts we think create the emotions we feel, and those emotions determine our possible options we can choose from.

But, everything sound great in theory.

Maintaining a positive mindset can be challenging, especially when our minds behave like relentless roller coasters.

This constant mental activity can undermine our confidence and performance.

So, what to do? Is there any magical button we can push that will make us more confident when we need to?

Only if there was a special technique we can do that will help us maintain a positive mindset and instantly improve our confidence…

Use This Exercise to Get an Instant Power Boost: The Power Pose


The Science of Power Posing

Enter the Power Posing technique, popularized by Harvard researcher Amy Cuddy in her famous TED Talk.

This technique leverages body language to influence our psychological state.

According to Cuddy’s research, adopting expansive poses (like a superhero stance) can increase testosterone (a confidence hormone) and decrease cortisol (a stress hormone), resulting in enhanced performance and confidence.

Studies have shown that power posing for just two minutes can significantly alter hormone levels, making individuals feel more powerful and less stressed.

These findings are supported by research published in the journal Psychological Science.

Practical Applications of Power Posing

There are many practical applications of this technique because first of all, it’s super effective, and second, it’s super easy to use.

For example, before a presentation, set a timer for two minutes, adopt a power pose, stand tall, and breathe deeply.

With each breath, expand your stance further, embodying the posture of a confident, powerful individual.

Power posing is particularly useful in high stress situations, such as:

Job Interviews: Use power posing before an interview to enhance your confidence and present yourself more assertively.

Sports Competitions: Athletes can use power posing to boost their mental state and performance before a game or match.

Exams and Tests: Students can reduce anxiety and improve focus by power posing before an exam.

Social Gatherings or dates: If you feel nervous about social events or a romantic date, power posing can help you feel more at ease and engaged.

Negotiations: Whether in business or personal situations, power posing can give you the assertiveness needed to negotiate effectively.

Public Speaking: Use power posing to overcome stage fright and enhance your delivery.

Creative Projects: Artists, writers, and creators can use power posing to break through creative blocks and enhance their creative output.

Daily Stress Management: Incorporate power posing into your daily routine to maintain a steady level of confidence and reduce overall stress.

During exhausting caregiving routines: Reinvigorates energy and resolve.

Step by Step Guide to Power Posing:

  1. Set Your Timer: Allocate two minutes for the exercise.
  2. Pick a Power Pose: Choose an expansive, superhero pose.
  3. Stand Tall: Ensure your posture is upright and confident.
  4. Breathe Deeply: Inhale deeply, allowing your body to expand with each breath.
  5. Visualize Success: Imagine yourself succeeding in the upcoming task.


Power posing is a quick, scientifically backed method to boost your confidence and reduce stress.

By incorporating it into your routine, you can enhance your performance in various aspects of life, from job interviews to public speaking and daily challenges.

To shift yourself and life, join the 30 days of transformation here today!

Follow Coach Hedi on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Pinterest, and YouTube, or visit my website for more info!

Hedi Schaefer, an awarded pioneer in Germany’s empowerment movement, has been transforming lives and businesses since 2010 as a Work-Life Innovation Coach, Author, and Mental Well-Being Expert. Her unique ©3C - InnovationCanon method empowers individuals to stop the struggle mode and achieve fulfillment and success.
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