These are The 9 Perfect Hobbies For All Empaths That Help Bring Emotional Balance!


Our mind and body are capable of many things we often aren’t aware of. One secret way to unlock our hidden capacities is by experimenting with new things and trying new hobbies.

Don’t be limited by your initial thinking of: ‘No way, I couldn’t do that.’

Science provides the following hobbies as ones that not only help you cultivate your mind but might make you smarter as well.

And especially if you are an empath, these habits act as a perfect outlet for your overactive emotional being.

They can even be a powerful sublimator that transmutes your emotions into creative produces.

The 9 Perfect Hobbies For Empaths:empath-perfect-hobbies

1. Playing musical instruments.

We often leave playing a musical instrument to music lovers. But don’t you know that doing this activity has a lot of advantages in it?

These advantages include improving your skills in language, analytical, math, motor, creativity, and many others.

In addition, playing musical instruments strengthens your corpus callosum – the thick band of nerves that integrates the hemispheres of the brain by creating new connections.

Once your corpus callosum is improved, you are capable of enhancing your memory, your problem-solving skills and executive skills improve, as well as the overall function of your brain.

What is more amazing, this could happen regardless of your age. So, it’s never too late to try your hands on that guitar or your kid’s drums.

If you are an empath this hobby is perfect for you, it will let you transmute your emotions into melody and songs.

2. Reading on a variety of topics.

Sure, there are some topics that interest you and some that don’t.

But reading on a variety of topics gives you more benefit as a result of acquiring new knowledge on things you previously didn’t give attention to.

Reading reduces stress. But most of all, it increases the three types of intelligence, namely:

– crystallized, your ability to use your learned knowledge and experience;

– fluid, your ability to solve new problems, use logic, and identify patterns;

emotional, your ability to identify your own emotions and feelings as well as that of others. This is something every empath should focus on improving so they can better navigate through the intense emotions they feel daily.

3. Moving your body regularly.

While exercise is good for your body, it enhances your mental capacity too. For best results, a regular exercise is recommended, however, dancing classes can do wonders too.

When you exercise regularly, your cells would be flooded with BDNF (Brain-derived neurotrophic factor), a protein that aids in mental acuity, commonly observed in memory, learning, focus, concentration, and understanding.

Some scientists surmised that sitting for long periods can hinder your brain from working well.

It is best to move around and maybe do some stretching to keep that brain functioning optimally.

Emotions are energy that is moving and another way to deal with them is to flow with them.

So try to make a habit of moving your body daily whether it is an exercise, yoga, or dancing!

4. Learning a foreign language.

Improve your memory by learning a foreign language.

People who speak at least two languages are found to be better at solving puzzles than the one who speaks only one.

Learning a new language allows your brain to perform better at any mentally demanding tasks like planning and problem-solving.

Another benefit of being multilinguistic is that you can better self reflect by observing yourself, your thoughts and emotions as someone else.

Some people who speak multiple languages usually have a voice inside their head that speaks on another language and acts as a personal counselor. This is extremely helpful for empaths.

5. Working out your brain.

Challenge your brain using puzzles, riddles, board or card games and other activities that increase your brain’s neuroplasticity.

By giving this challenge to your brain, you allow it to reorganize itself and form new neural pathways and synapses. Neuroplasticity increases when nerve cells respond in new ways.

This increases your ability to see things from a different perspective and respond well to the cause and effect of behaviors and emotions.

By being aware of new patterns, you improve your cognitive abilities.

People with high neuroplasticity are found to be less anxious and depressed, all the while having a sharper mental capacity.

6. Writing.

Just like playing an instrument, writing is powerful outlet for emotions that you cannot reveal to anyone.

Writing can be done in many forms. You can write a journal, poetry, or create a story for a novel.

Whatever you do it’s important to let your thoughts flow freely without filtering them. First write, then edit.

When you write you get in touch with intimate parts of yourself, and no matter what you write, you reveal hidden parts of yourself that you were not aware of.

Keeping a journal for your emotions is especially recommended if you are an empath. You can stay in touch with what you felt and when you felt that so you can better understand the triggers and tides of your emotional self.

7. Practicing meditation.

Scientist Richard Davidson, conducted in 1992 a study on the Dalai Lama and other monks while in deep meditation to find out if it’s possible to generate specific brain waves on command.

Interestingly, when told to focus on compassion, it was found out that their brains waves showed them to be in a deeply compassionate state of mind.

The study implies that we have the ability to control our brain waves and feel a specific feeling that we want to feel.

In short, we can become what we want to become whether it be becoming more powerful or confident.

Meditation is proven to reduce anxiety, give mental clarity and improve the overall emotional health of an individual.

8. Gardening.

When you do gardening, you can select to grow the plants you want to eat and grow them organically. You have to learn the skills and knowledge needed in organic gardening.

However, the real benefit of gardening is the connection you establish with Nature and the environment around you.

You start to appreciate and see plants as living beings that you nurture and take care of.

The veggies and fruits they give you are produced by the mutual love between you and the plants you nurture. They might even taste better.

You will use these gifts of Nature without wasting any because you will feel a deeper connection with them than the ones you get from your local store.

Empaths find calmness and serenity when they are surrounded by Nature. If you are an empath gardening will be something that calms you down, heals your emotional being and gives you a sense of connection.

9. Cooking.

Whether you are a good cook or not, you can try cooking just for the fun of it.

In your self-care regimen, diet is one of the bigger priorities. When you change your diet and start eating foods that nurture your body your whole being improves.

When you are learning how to cook, you can choose to cook what you want to eat. Finding a new recipe not only delights your taste buds but will make you a fulfilled cook too.

You can make your own healthy meals and recipes as you advance with your cooking skills.

Cooking gives you a sense of fulfillment and emotional satisfaction as you subconsciously reassure yourself that you can feed yourself without any help. It improves your emotional health and reduces anxiety.

So, get moving and experiment. Apply the hobbies that resonate most with you to your life to become a smarter and happier version of YOU!


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