Tag: Wisdom

The Most Inspiring Quotes By The Founder Of Modern Zen Hakuin Ekaku

Ever heard of Hakuin Ekaku? If not, then you’re in for a major treat of wisdom today as we are going to show you...

10 Truths Your Soul Wants You To Remember More Oftenly

Most of us we go through our daily schedules and we get lost within the streams of society forgetting important truths that our soul...

Jim Carrey Epic Spiritual Moments Caught On Camera Give 10 Enlightening Truths

"You can fail at what you don't want. So, you might as well take a chance on doing what you love." — Jim Carrey In a...

5 Aretha Franklin Quotes That Will Leave A Mark On Your Heart

America's Queen of Soul, Aretha Franklin, passed away on the 16th of August at the age of 76. Franklin might have been destined to touch...

Centenarian Villagers From A Small Village Share 5 Secrets To Their Longevity

Nowadays, humanity's lifespan is the longest that has ever been in known human history. However, due to unhealthy choices, longer life poses a great...

The 7 Traits All Fake Friends Have In Common

Friendships are one of the best things in life. They are literally midway between a sibling relationship and a romantic one. They embody the...

10 Most Significant Quotes By Aristotle To Upgrade Your Wisdom

We all walk a different path towards the same truth. But the way we describe our journey is what differs, and these unique pieces...

6 Ways How To Tap Into Your Heart’s Intelligence And Wisdom

In life, you may have certainly been in a situation where you need to decide between the contradictory opinions of your heart and your...