Tag: Happiness

25 Tips for Living a Beautiful Life…

Life is so beautiful but we tend to complicate things. We make everything much more complicated than it needs to be and then we whine...

7 Short And Powerful Rituals You Can Do to Live a Happy Life

Creating a change in your life does not have to be too complicated, even the process doesn't have to be too long. Small changes done...

7 Mental Assumptions That Cause You Unhappiness and Poison Your Spirit

There are a million reasons why people aren't happy. These reasons arise from the negative assumptions and expectations they set for themselves. Expectations are good because...

More Than 101

A couple of years ago, I remember writing an article that I titled "101". It was my 101st article on my website Life Coach Code...

Get Rid Of These 14 Things And You Will Feel Unconditional Happiness For The...

There's no magic way to be happy nor is there instant happiness. Others resort to unnecessary shopping and buy things they don't need believing...

This Is What You Need In Your Life According To Your Zodiac Sign…

Think of yourself as a specific genre of music. Each genre needs specific instruments to produce the type of melodies that fit its character. You...

8 Ways Lao Tzu Says You Can Achieve True Happiness

A man's strength and well being lay in the arms of happiness, according to China's ancient philosopher and founder of Taoism, Lao-Tzu. For him, a...

7 Sure Ways To Achieve ‘Joie De Vivre’ (Delight Of Being Alive)

Being alive is not the same as living. Most people just exist, they live their whole lives without ever FEELING what it really means to...