The Spirit

Everything you need to know/do so you can improve your Spirit. Remember that only a balance between your Spirit, Mind, Body and Heart will improve you as a human. Don't neglect any of them. Be SEMP (Balanced Spiritual, Mental, Physical, Emotional) - Become sempie.

If You Experience Any Of These 10 Signs You’ve Found Your ‘Soul Place’ Here...

Your soul is not only your true nature, it is your true place in nature. Your soul is IN and OF the world, like...

These Are The 11 Lessons Prophet Baba Vanga Left For Mankind If We Want...

Vangeliya Pandeva Dimitrova, known as Baba Vanga was born on 31 January 1911. She was a blind mystic, clairvoyant, and herbalist, who spent most...

THIS Is What It Means If You Were Born Between 2 Zodiac Signs…

Nothing is one thing and suddenly another thing. Everything in Nature has a transition. Even zodiac signs take 6 days to transition from one...

If You Experience Any Of These 3 Signs After Meeting Someone, It’s Said You’ve...

Your soul exists beyond time and space on a higher dimension, but in order to grow and evolve (raise its frequency) it needs to...

THIS Is What Your Destiny Number Is Saying About Your Life…

Geometry is the language that The Universe communicates through. Numbers are symbols that describe some type of geometry in The Universe we live in. Letters...

The Reason Why People Keep Breaking Your Heart According To Your Zodiac Sign…

They say that there is not one person who loved and haven't experienced a broken heart. But what we don't realize about a 'broken heart'...

9 Ways Nature Is Trying To Communicate With You That You Might Be Ignoring…

Earth is a living organism and Nature is its spirit. It is what gives life, what gave life to us and what's maintaining it...

The 10 Commandments For Happiness

Happiness is probably the most addicting emotional state, right next to love. The whole world is addicted to it. There are countless products, programs, courses,...