
Activities and Rituals to help you improve your soul.

This TV Show Scene Makes A Perfect Explanation Of What A Soulmate Really Is

Most people think that a soulmate is a person who magically appears in your life out of nowhere because it is destined to be...

On His Last Day In The Army He Takes The Guitar And Blows Everyone...

"Your talent is God's gift to you. What you do with it is your gift back to God." — Leo Buscaglia Each of us come...

Thousands Of Martial Artists Display Unworldly Discipline In Perfect Unison

"The best way to pursue any discipline is the martial arts way, and that's why it's been around for thousands and thousands of years....

Two Minute Film Showing How We All Need The Wilderness To Find Balance And...

"I go to nature to be soothed and healed, and to have my senses put in order." — John Burroughs There is just something to nature...

5 Simple Ways How To Grow Spiritually Every Single Day In The Modern World

Most of us believe that spirituality is an aspect of our lives that should be separate from what we do every day. It's as if,...

10 Tips How To Become The Best Person That You Can Be

We all have bigger potential within us than we think we have. We can be and do much, much more. We can influence the...

Astrology And Cosmic Update For September 2018: Here is What September is Bringing for...

The past couple of months were really intense in terms of energy. They demanded us to go deep within, to face our shadows. These intense...

5 Bad Habits That Weaken Your Energy Field And Positive Habits To Replace Them...

Your energy field or the electromagnetic energy field that surrounds you depends much on your health and lifestyle. It reflects your personal energy and affects...