The Body

Everything you need to know/do so you can improve your Body. Remember that only a balance between your Spirit, Mind, Body and Heart will improve you as a human. Don't neglect any of them. Be SEMP (Balanced Spiritual, Mental, Physical, Emotional) - Become sempie.

THIS Woman Eats 2KG Of Sand Per Day For 60 Years And She Has...

Kusma Vati, 78, spends hours shovelling sand into her mouth every day, and likes to chew on the walls of her own house. Kusma said:...

Runner’s Trot — Why It Happens and How to Prevent It

Possibly the best activity there is, running is the catalyst for most positive changes in someone's life. You start to think better, more clearly, you...

THIS Is Why Orange Juice Is The BIGGEST Con Of Your Life!

Do you remember the good old 'complete breakfast' that included eggs, a toast bread and an orange juice? Well I am sorry to tell...

THIS Is What Happens To You When You Drink Nothing But Water For 30...

Water is beneficial for pretty much every part of your body, and if you're looking to make healthier choices, NOW is the perfect time...

THIS 146 Year Old Man Reveals His Secret For Longevity…

Many authorities did not believe Mbah Gotho who claimed to be 146 years old. However, his date of birth was confirmed by the record...

THIS Is The Secret For Living Past 100…

Acciaroli is a small Italian town tucked into the Cilento coast, 85 miles south of Naples. Scientists discovered that in this small corner of the...

THIS Is Why You Should Be Drinking Baking Soda…

We usually use baking soda for cooking. However, considering its full potential of benefits, cooking is just a tiny tip of the iceberg. Baking...

THIS Is What Will Happen If You Put An Egg In Your Coffee…

Coffee is something most people start their day with (or better said, for most people the day starts after they had their coffee). And...