The Training of Champions: How to Build a Champion’s Mindset


By Charles Barnard, founder of Success Institutes.

Champions are made.

Champions in any endeavor have a mindset that allows them to meet all obstacles and overcome.

It takes effort. It takes commitment. It takes training.

The results are… priceless!

How Much is Mindset a Factor When It Comes to Being a Champion?


DeVonta Smith said it perfectly when asked about his mindset after receiving “the offensive player of the game” in the 2021 national championship football game…

A game where he was only able to play in the first half because of a hand injury on the first drive of the second half…

He said he trusted his training. He trusted his coaching.

There is a great deal of talk about the incredible value of a growth mindset.

Carol Dwek, PhD coined the term and is the leading figure in the research into and around this notion of a growth mindset.

Essentially, people with a growth mindset believe that intelligence can be developed which leads to a desire to learn and therefor a tendency to:

  1. Embrace challenges,
  2. Persist in the face of setbacks,
  3. Sees effort as a path to mastery,
  4. Learns from criticism,
  5. Finds lessons and inspiration in the success of others…

As a result they attain higher levels of achievement.

Notice the emphasis is on intelligence and the context is learning.

Obviously, a growth mindset has implications far beyond education.

Is a Certain Belief a Precursor of a Champion Mindset?

While I haven’t done the formal PhD level research as Dr. Dwek has, I have enough research and experience under my belt to argue that beyond a growth mindset, champions tend to have a core belief that they are at the cause of what happens in their life, which leads to a competitive attitude and a tendency to believe:

  1. They are in control of how to interpret what happens to them.
  2. There is no such thing as failure only results.
  3. I can achieve anything I set my mind to.
  4. There is no substitute for hard work.
  5. People are your greatest resource.
  6. I am a master of my destiny.

Which leads to a tendency to embrace challenges, persist in the face of setbacks, to see effort as a path to mastery, to learn from criticism, and to find lessons and inspiration in the success of others…

As well as to develop a loving mindset and have faith!

These characteristics are all trainable.

In fact, you need to constantly be training that mindset.

How to Train The Mind?


The greatest champion in NFL football history with 7 Super Bowl rings and 5 Super Bowl MVP awards is Tom Brady.

Brady is notorious for his constant training (mind and body).

Mindset training of course involves a great deal of reflection, thinking, questioning, and rehearsing.

It is about training the mind.

We use our HEAT method to achieve the results we get.

We apply Habit, Emotion, Attitude, Training to achieve a mindset of a champion.

We begin by clearing away obstacles that are lurking in your unconscious and we do that with our Mindset Transformation Training.

With the obstacles cleared out you can now begin building essential habits that are necessary for long term success and well being.

Once you have “cleared the ground” and put the systems in place for success, we can build the foundation for a mindset of a champion.

The Foundation of It All Rests with a Mindset of Love

Any organization or team would love to have people working for them that were patient, kind, not envious, not boastful, not dishonoring of others, not self seeking, not easily angered, who do not keep records of wrongs, who protect, trust, hope, and always persevere.

Those are some of the characteristics of love.

Those characteristics are trainable and honorable.

People who have that whole package are highly sought after.

A simple thought experiment proves the point.

Simply think about working with, under, or over someone who is the opposite of all of those traits or someone who has all of those traits.

It is obvious who you would choice isn’t it.

The Keystone That Holds It All Together


After the foundation is built we work on building the two piers that will hold up the arch.

Those are Faith and Faithfulness.

We then work on training the mind with patterns of thinking and specific skills around learning (mind), health, fitness, and well being (body), family, friendships (heart), and finally the keystone that holds it all together… building the spirit of a champion.

With all those pieces trained a person is ready to take on all of life’s challenges and achieve a well rounded, personally rewarding and fulfilling life.

Then they may choose to learn and develop a Mindset of Abundance.

Champions are Created

Champions aren’t born, they are built through deliberate effort, unrelenting commitment, and the kind of training that transforms obstacles into steppingstones.

If you’ve ever wondered what separates the extraordinary from the ordinary, the answer lies within: mindset.

The same mindset that fuels elite athletes like Tom Brady and DeVonta Smith can be cultivated in you, your family, or your team.

It begins with clearing the mental clutter, building essential habits, and then building the mindset of a champion arch.

At Success Institutes, we don’t just talk about the mindset of champions, we train it.

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