Meditation has been part of ancient spiritual traditions for thousands of years.
Modern society is rediscovering this ancient art of calming the mind, as an antidote to the never ending stresses that people encounter during their daily lives.
There are countless approaches to meditation, with systems and techniques that abound.
Not all techniques will suit everyone, you will have to discover what works best for you.
What Meditation Practice is Right for You?

Below, I present various types of meditation practices and what they are ideal for.
While this list is not exhaustive, it provides a good overview of some well known and effective practices, helping you find the right fit for your needs.
1. Mindfulness Meditation
Mindfulness meditation involves paying attention to your thoughts without becoming lost in them. It is about cultivating awareness in the present moment.
Ideal for: Those who want to stay grounded in the present and avoid being swept away by thoughts or emotions.
- Mindfulness for Beginners by Jon Kabat-Zinn
- The Benefits of Vipassana Meditation by Healthline
2. Concentration Meditation
This practice involves focusing on an internal or external experience through your senses. You might focus on a candle flame, sound, or your breath.
Ideal for: Those looking to improve their concentration and focus.
3. Silence Meditation
Silence meditation focuses on resting your attention in the silence within you, the seat of inner peace and power. The aim is to experience peace and unleash your inner power.
Ideal for: Those seeking inner peace, love, happiness, and the ability to make wiser decisions. It’s also an excellent preparatory practice for Self Realization.
The Secrets of Inner Peace by Sundar Kadayam
The Peace Practice (15 minute silence meditations)
4. Mantra Meditation
In this practice, a mantra (a word, phrase, or sound) is repeated audibly or mentally to clear the mind and maintain focus.
Ideal for: Those who enjoy repetition and vocal expressions during meditation.
Transcendental meditation by Maharshi Mahesh Yogi
Healing Mantras: Using Sound Affirmations for Personal Power, Creativity, and Healing with Study Guide by Ashley-Farrand, Thomas
The Mantram Handbook by Eknath Easwaran
Reiki Chanting Practice by Sundar Kadayam (coming soon)
5. Movement Meditation
This integrates meditation with physical activities like walking, gardening, or exercising, promoting deeper body awareness.
Ideal for: Those wanting to be mindful during physical activities and experience peacefulness in motion.
A guide to walking meditation by Thich Nhat Hanh
Yoga for Everyone by NYTimes
Tai Chi and Qi gong (Better balance and other benefits) by WebMD
6. Visualization and Guided Meditation
This practice involves visualizing positive imagery or embarking on guided journeys to achieve specific goals, either on your own or with guidance.
Ideal for: People who can vividly imagine scenes or situations.
Creative visualization – Shakti Gawain
Thousands of guided meditations available in audio recordings and online videos.
7. Healing Meditation
Healing meditation cultivates awareness of the body’s energy and activates your innate healing potential.
Ideal for: Those motivated to heal themselves.
Healing Haven: The Essential Healing Toolkit by Sundar Kadayam
Reiki Meditations and Techniques by
Reiki Healing (Guided Meditations) by
8. Loving-Kindness Meditation
This practice helps develop compassion and acceptance for oneself and others.
Ideal for: Anyone holding anger, grudges, or difficulty empathizing with others. It’s especially good for naturally heartful individuals.
A Meditation on Loving-kindness by Jack Kornfield
Getting Started with Loving Kindness Meditation by Mindworks
Is Silence Meditation Right for You?

Silence meditation is simple, it involves resting your attention in the silence within.
Typically, attention is lost in thoughts, feelings, or external experiences.
In silence meditation, you gently bring your attention to rest in the quiet space within you.
But is it the right practice for you?
Ask yourself:
- Are you ready to feel steady calm during life’s storms?
- Are you ready to beat stress and overcome anxieties?
- Are you ready to embrace your inner power, which is inner peace?
- Are you ready to tap into clarity, wisdom, courage, strength, creativity, and compassion in your daily life?
- Are you keen on Self Realization and seeking a foundational practice to facilitate it?
If your answer is ‘Yes’ to any of these, silence meditation could be invaluable.
Although simple, silence meditation becomes easy with steady, daily practice.
Can The Peace Practice Help You?
Silence meditation can be practiced on your own once you know the steps (explained in Article #2 of these series).
But The Peace Practice offers key advantages:
1. Guidance into Silence.
Many people find it easier, especially in the beginning, to meditate with guidance.
2. Practical Wisdom for Daily Life.
Through storytelling, wisdom pointers, and poetry, The Peace Practice helps you ground in silence and carry that into your daily life.
3. Daily Support.
Whether through live group meditations or recordings, you receive regular encouragement for your practice.
4. Courses and Albums.
These help you establish a steady practice while transforming your life through silence and inner peace.
Here’s what others have said about The Peace Practice:
“I can easily access a deep feeling of peace and stillness and am much less upset since doing this practice with you for months. You are changing my life.” – Katherine, Nurse Practitioner
“This is a simple yet powerful place to start. I’ve been joining since the pandemic began, and it has made a difference in my state of mind.” – Kim, Entrepreneur
“Sundar’s peace practice has helped me discover immense peace and joy. His approach to connecting with the intelligence of the heart has been transformative.” – Didi
(You can learn more about The Peace Practice in the previous article of these series).
Different Approaches, Same Inner Essence

Mind, Body, Breath, and Energy are interconnected, and different meditation systems may overlap.
Think of them as pathways to the same inner essence, your inner power.
Whichever path you take, the key is steady practice.
Your practice is vital!
Meditation works if you practice regularly.
Authentic meditation practices cultivate awareness, improve focus, reduce stress, and promote healing.
Meditation is a lifelong journey, so invest time, effort, and consistency in your practice until its benefits manifest in your daily life.
The True Essence of Meditation
Ultimately, meditation is not just a technique, it’s about being who you truly are.
These practices are preparatory steps that facilitate the realization of your inner power, your true self.
Abiding in that true self is where the boundless freedom and bliss of Enlightenment reside.
Silence Meditation is a simple yet profound practice that connects you to inner peace and lays the foundation for Self Realization.
The Peace Practice builds on this foundation by offering wisdom and guidance for continuous self transformation.
About the Author
Sundar Kadayam is an author, spiritual teacher, mentor, and healer. Midway through his 34 year career as a technologist and entrepreneur, life circumstances pushed him into an unlikely journey toward healing and awakening. His offerings provide guidance on self care and healing, self transformation, and self realization.
Sundar’s Website: Being YOU with Sundar Kadayam – Resources for self-care and healing, continuous self-transformation, and Self-Realization
Sundar’s Bio: About Sundar Kadayam
Sundar’s Writings: Articles and Pointers to Being YOU – with Sundar Kadayam
The Peace Practice: The Peace Practice – Simple Meditation to Cultivate Inner Peace (
Life Coach Code Interview: Find Life Coach | Meet Sundar Kadayam: How to Go from Weakness to True Power and Limitless Potential? (
Related Articles from Sundar:
- Why should you meditate regularly? (
- How to start your meditation practice? (
- The Power of Silence (
- The Sacred Silence (
- The Mystic Melody (
- The Secret of Rested Attention (
- Unleashing the Ingredients of Success in Life – The Peace Practice (
- The Real Nature of Unconditional Love, and How to be Unconditional Love (