The Dr. Dolores Show: 7 Steps How to Live In Sync and Achieve Absolute Alignment


By Dr. Dolores Fazzino, Nurse Practitioner, Medical Intuitive, Energy Whisperer

Do you ever feel like your thoughts, words, and actions are all out of whack?

You’re not alone!

In this episode of the Dr. Dolores Show, we delve into the concept of absolute alignment.

Dr. Dolores explores the challenges and rewards of achieving congruence between what we think, say, and do.

The Dr. Dolores Show: 7 Steps How to Achieve Absolute Alignment


Achieving absolute alignment in life, where everything flows seamlessly and purposefully… can transform your existence into one of peace, fulfillment, and serendipity.

Here are seven actionable steps that can guide you toward absolute alignment, based on the teachings of Dr. Dolores Fazzino.

1. Embrace Physical Presence

The first step to achieving alignment is becoming more physically present in your body.

To embrace physical presence, start by incorporating grounding exercises into your daily routine.

Spend 10 to 15 minutes each day walking barefoot on natural surfaces like grass or sand.

This practice helps you connect with the earth’s energy and brings your awareness into the present moment.

Additionally, practicing body scan meditation can be incredibly effective in enhancing physical awareness.

By focusing on each part of your body and noticing any sensations, you can identify where tension is stored and release it.

Activities like yoga or Tai Chi are also beneficial as they emphasize the connection between breath and movement, helping you become more attuned to your body and its needs.

When you fully embrace all aspects of yourself, spirit, mind, body, and heart, you create a strong foundation that allows you to align with the universe.

This physical presence grounds you, making it easier to navigate life with clarity and intention.

2. Set Intentions and Stay Open

Setting clear intentions is a powerful practice, but it’s equally important to stay open to how these intentions will manifest.

Begin your day by writing down a clear intention, focusing on how you want to feel or what you aim to achieve.

Visualization can further enhance this process, take a few minutes to imagine your intention coming to life.

Afterward, consciously release any attachment to the specific outcomes, trusting that the universe will bring the right opportunities your way.

This openness invites unexpected blessings and helps you flow with life’s natural rhythm.

To stay in tune with your intentions, consider keeping a journal where you reflect on how they unfold, allowing you to observe patterns and stay open to unexpected possibilities.

3. Tap Into Your Energy Field

Your energy field is a reservoir of potential, holding the essence of who you are and what you can achieve.

By tuning into your energy field, you can attract serendipitous moments: those seemingly coincidental events that align perfectly with your desires.

The key is to be aware of your energy and use it to guide your actions and decisions.

Start by practicing daily mindfulness to tune into your energy levels.

Spend a few minutes each morning checking in with yourself, notice how you feel physically, emotionally, and mentally.

Can you sense your spirit? How do you feel spiritually?

Are you aligned with your truth or are you steering away from your path?

This simple act of self awareness can help you identify any imbalances or areas where your energy might be blocked.

Meditation is another powerful tool for becoming more aware of your energy.

By sitting quietly and focusing on your breath, you can tune into the subtle sensations in your body and energy field.

As you practice, you’ll become more attuned to the flow of energy within you, helping you to recognize when you’re aligned or out of sync with your true self.

This heightened awareness allows you to make conscious adjustments, ensuring that your energy remains balanced and in harmony with your intentions.

Incorporate regular energy clearing practices into your routine, such as smudging with sage, using crystals, or taking salt baths.

These methods help to cleanse and reset your energy field, removing any negative influences that might be affecting your well being.

Additionally, pay attention to how your energy shifts in different environments or around certain people.

Notice when you feel energized and uplifted versus drained or anxious.

This awareness can guide you in making decisions that support your well being.

4. Engage in Mindful Activities

Mindful activities are those that absorb you completely, making you lose track of time and place.

Whether it’s through meditation, creative expression, or simply being in nature, these activities help you stay in the present moment.

This timeless presence is where true alignment occurs, connecting you deeply with your inner self and the world around you.

Choose activities that fully absorb you, such as painting, gardening, or playing a musical instrument.

Practicing mindfulness during everyday tasks, like eating or walking, can also be incredibly grounding.

Focus on each sensation, smell, and sound as you go about your day.

5. Flow with Intuition

Being in the flow means being attuned to your intuition and the subtle signals of the universe.

When you’re in this state, you’re more likely to experience serendipity, those moments of perfect timing that propel you toward your goals.

Trust your intuition and let it guide you, it’s a key component of living an aligned life.

To flow with intuition, start by creating quiet time for yourself regularly.

This could be through meditation, spending time in nature, or simply sitting in silence.

As you can see, spending time in nature and meditation are activities that are included over and over again in each of the steps.

It’s because these are THE activities that help you become present and aligned with the flow of Nature.

When you are still and present, everything is possible.

These moments of stillness allow your intuition to surface more clearly.

Pay attention to the subtle nudges and feelings that arise, and act on them without overthinking.

You can also keep an intuition journal, where you jot down these intuitive hits and later reflect on how they played out.

The more you trust and act on your intuition, the stronger and more reliable it becomes, guiding you toward serendipitous opportunities.

6. Recognize Your Connection to Everything

Understanding that you are connected to everything around you is vital for achieving alignment.

Practice gratitude daily by acknowledging the interconnectedness of life… how the food you eat, the people you meet, and the environment around you are all part of a larger web.

Engage in activities that foster this sense of connection, such as volunteering, community service, or simply spending time in nature.

These practices remind you that your actions and thoughts ripple out into the world, influencing the energy and experiences you attract.

Your thoughts, actions, and energy impact the world, just as the world impacts you.

By embracing this connection, you can move through life with greater awareness and purpose, knowing that every action is part of a larger whole.

7. Raise Your Frequency and Trust in the Universe

To fully align with the universe, it’s essential to raise your frequency by doing the necessary healing work.

This includes addressing past traumas, releasing limiting beliefs, and cultivating positive energy.

To elevate your vibration, engage in activities that bring you joy and peace, such as listening to uplifting music, spending time with loved ones, or practicing creative arts.

Complement this with a strong spiritual practice, such as prayer, meditation, or mindfulness, to help you stay connected to the universe.

As you raise your vibration, you attract higher vibrational experiences into your life.

Coupled with this is the practice of trusting in the universe and divine timing.

Everything unfolds as it should, and by trusting this process, you allow life to flow naturally and effortlessly.

Tune in for an episode that will empower you to bridge the gap between intention and action.

Learn how to live with greater authenticity and integrity, and unlock the potential for a more fulfilling life!


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What to Look for In This Episode of The Dr. Dolores Show:

  1. When we are more physically present in our body and embrace all of ourselves, we can have a magical life where everything is in alignment. (07:19)
  2. When we set an intention, stay open to how this will manifest, be open to the possibilities. (11:28)
  3. “When you are able to tap into the essence of what is in your energy field you will experience serendipitous moments.” Dr. Dolores Fazzino (21:54)
  4. Mindful activity is a timeless concept, where you lose all sense of time and place. You are in the present moment. (23:43)
  5. When you are more in the flow, you are more attuned and intuitive, this is where the serendipity moments come in. (26:11)
  6. Know that you are connected to everything around you … (45:23)
  7. Raise your frequency by working on yourself and doing the healing work that is required. (48:33)
  8. Cultivate mindfulness, be present in your own body. (49:25)
  9. Trust in the universe, trust in divine timing. (50:42)


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Dr. Dolores Fazzino, DNP is a Nurse Practitioner, Medical Intuitive, Energy Whisperer, an International Amazon Best Selling Author, TV, Podcast, and Radio host. With over 45 years-experience in the healthcare industry, Dr. Fazzino believes healing is a multi-faceted process. After witnessing the miraculous healing of her father’s physical condition as a young adult, Dr. Fazzino has dedicated her life to assist people to Heal In Ways They Never Thought Possible. Dr. Dolores takes us beyond the mind-body paradigm to include spirituality in wellness and assisting her clients to unravel the energetic discord in their life. Known as the “Energy Whisperer,” her gifts, customized programs and strategies assist her clients to move through life challenges, and reconnecting with their inner self with grace and ease, creating lasting health and true wellness. She is the author of 5 books, two which are Amazon International Best Sellers. Her latest book “Your Amazing Itty Bitty Healing in Ways You Never Thought Possible Book” became an Amazon Best Seller October 2022. Dr. Dolores Fazzino is the host of The Dr Dolores Show, a TV, Radio, Podcast with Inspired Choices Network (ICN) streaming to over 300 platforms globally. Contact her at: 760-579-2440
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