In THIS Amazing City People Live Without Politics, No Religion And No Money!


Upon learning this, you will think that it happened long time ago, but no. There is still a place with a society that doesn’t follow the standards to which we are accustomed. In this town there is no money, no religion, no politics. This is truly a paradise to live.

Think of a place where you can finally live in peace.

This place exists and is called “Auroville”!

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It was founded in 1968 and was hailed as an international city by UNESCO, as its inhabitants are over 50 nationalities and different cultures. They coexist without any problem, since they have no political system, they have no religion, they do not use money and accomplish everything through the system of exchanges.

Auroville is located in South India, 150 kilometers from Chennai in Madras.

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In this epic city, the buildings are made based on an experimental architecture, as they are constantly changing. This is because these structures seek to optimize the use of renewable energies following their main objective: reuse and recycling.

The person who designed and managed to found this wonderful city was: Mirra Alfassa, better known as “Mother”.

Mirra Alfassa

“There should be a place on Earth that no nation could claim as their own; where all human beings of good will who have a sincere aspiration could live freely as citizens of the world, obeying one single authority, that of the supreme truth. A place of peace, concord and harmony where all the fighting instinct in man were used exclusively to overcome the cause of their sufferings and miseries, to overcome their weaknesses and ignorance, and to triumph over their limitations and disabilities. A place where the needs of the spirit and interest of progress precedence over the satisfaction of desires and passions or the pursuit of pleasure and material enjoyment,” was the idea of Alfassa.

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This city is a model of sustainable eco-city. It is a method developed by multi-cropping, combining fruit trees, cornfields and orchards, organized into 15 farms, reaching an area of 160 hectares. In this way, they ensure much more food to supply the population.

50 villagers and 300 neighbors work on these farms, producing 2% of the rice and cereals consumed and 50% of the vegetables. The village is also self-sufficient in milk and dairy products, and fruits when it’s their season.

People come together to meditate, to tell stories or dance.

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This sustainable city is special for receiving protection by UNESCO. This city is a clear example of how society could change when Earth begins to manifest the consequences of our mistreatment to her. Or, if we adapt healthier way of life both for ourselves and for the planet before it’s too late.

This way of life is healthy for the spirit, for the mind, for the body, for the heart and for the planet. Would you be in agreement with this new style of society?

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