Tag: habits

The 5 Daily Wellness Habits that Will Take You Towards a Better Life

A better life is not just about spending more money and buying comfort. It is about achieving a state...

Here is How Bad Breathing Habits Affect Your Wellbeing

How often do you pay attention to the way you breathe? It’s understandable that most people seldom consider their...

10 Things to Remove from Your Life and Become Superhuman

You don't have to do anything spectacular to become Superhuman, instead you have to NOT do ordinary things...

5 Ways How to Reignite your Passion for Cooking Without Leaving The House

After endless lockdowns and remote working policies, many of us have fallen into mundane routines when it comes to food.

6 Reasons Why Going Cold Turkey is Dangerous for You

When someone wants to get rid of a bad habit, such as smoking, alcohol or drugs, they say that they'll stop for...

The Perfect 5 Step Morning Routine To Stay Active And Energetic The Whole Day

Building a healthy morning routine is one of the best decisions in an individual's life. It assists in setting...

4 Habits of a Healthy Lifestyle to Live a Fuller and Happier Life (that...

In this day and age, we often hear the words "self care". Most of us pursue success relentlessly, along...

The Top 3 Tips to Boost Your Immune System in 2021

2020 certainly proved to be a challenging year due in large part to the global pandemic. While hope is...