
Knowledge of the Spiritual World, your Higher Self and the Art of Balance.

THIS Is How Smudging Clears The “Evil Spirits” According To A Recent Research…

A recent research has shed light on the popularity of smudging, revealing that burning certain plant matter actually clears harmful bacteria. The practice of smudging...

Here Is What Happens In The 3rd Eye When We Smoke Cannabis…

It is a well-known fact that the pineal gland responds to psychoactive drugs, but what really happens to the 3rd eye when we use...

14 Characteristics You Might Be Born With Naturally Higher Frequency

Everything is connected through a large entangled network, everything depends on everything else. That's how the collective consciousness is created. Each and every single being...

7 Traits Of The Most Powerful Type Of Empath The Heyoka

An 'Empath' is someone who has a spiritual talent to perceive and understand other people's emotional states. This process usually happens subconsciously and the Empath...

The One Reason Why We Meet The Same Souls In Every Incarnation…

According to karmic teachings, we always meet the same souls, only under different masks and different people. The soul goes through this cycle of physical...

THIS Is The Most Consciousness Expaning Video You’ll Ever Watch…

Expanding your consciousness is more of a journey than a destination. There is not a point where you get and say 'ok, my consciousness is...

This Is Where Earth’s Most Powerful Energetic Points And Chakras Are Located…

Just like we have our own energy centers or chakras, Mother Earth also has hers. When you start looking into the nature of this Universe...

Why Is THIS Map NOT In Our History Books?

The history is written by the winners. But we have to try our best to preserve it. By hiding stories of civilizations and suppressing...