The Mind

Everything you need to know/do so you can improve your Mind. Remember that only a balance between your Spirit, Mind, Body and Heart will improve you as a human. Don't neglect any of them. Be SEMP (Balanced Spiritual, Mental, Physical, Emotional) - Become sempie.

30 Things You are ALWAYS In Control Of!

In this fast paced world we live today it's easy to lose grip of what you can control. And if that's not hard, there is...

POWERFUL [5 MINUTE] Technique that Will UNCOVER All Your Unconscious Secrets!

When we let our conscious mind rest for a little while on the "bench" our subconscious mind takes control of our actions. And in...

In Less Than 1 Minute ANGERED Morgan Freeman Solves Racism!

Racism was one of the most shameful moments of humanity. And, surprisingly, there it is. We still haven't put an end to this shameful...

NEUROSCIENCE CONFIRMS: It’s Unbelievable How Much The Subconscious Shapes Our Reality!

Groundbreaking neuroscience confirms what Sigmund Freud first theorized: "what we believe to be the objective reality surrounding us is actually formed by our subconscious." David...

The Cure for Anxiety No One Talks About! (And It’s So Freaking Simple You’ll...

Have you ever had a panic attack? I did a couple of months ago. Several of them. It's scary, you think that you are...

Neuroscience Backs Up The Buddhist Belief that “The Self” Isn’t Constant, but EVER-CHANGING!

If somebody asked "Who are you?" you'd probably start describing yourself as someone with certain qualities and flaws, you'd try to define yourself and...

THIS Eye-Opening Video of The World Shrunken to a 100 People Society will Make...

There are approximately 7.4 Billion people on planet Earth. That's a big number to grasp and put in perspective. I mean a lot of...

Scientists Have Figured Out How To Delete And Edit Memories, But Are We Ready?

Probably the most interesting subject for me to talk about is "Memory". It's what makes us who we are, or more accurately, who we think...