Tag: Wisdom

No matter what’s happening in your life right now, you must read this short...

"It was one seemingly ordinary day when I decided  to QUIT… All of a sudden I made a decision to quit my job, my...

The One Primary Teaching Of Every Religion

Did you know that the oldest religion in the world is called Animism? It basically teaches that all things: animals, plants, rocks, rivers, weather systems,...

THIS 146 Year Old Man Reveals His Secret For Longevity…

Many authorities did not believe Mbah Gotho who claimed to be 146 years old. However, his date of birth was confirmed by the record...

2 People, 57 Years Apart Share POWERFUL Lessons To Each Other About The Human...

As we grow old we don't realize how much we change. We don't realize the beauty of each period in our life. For us,...

4 Ancient Civilizations, 20 TIMELESS Proverbs To Unlock Higher Levels Of Your Consciousness!

Human consciousness constantly evolves. Than, why do ancient civilizations seem to have been wiser than people today? It seems that consciousness evolves both collectively and individually. If...

10 GOLDEN Pieces Of Advice From People Over 60!

No matter what era they lived in, elder people have more experience in life than you do. They might know less about technology, they...

Top 10 TIMELESS Robin Williams Quotes

Robin Williams was one of the few actors who could bring out so much heart and soul and humanity in his movies that you...

7 POWERFUL Lessons By 7 Of The Most BRILLIANT People From 7 Periods In...

In order to thrive as humans we must learn from each other. We don't have all the time in the world to make all the...