Tag: life

5 Important Tips on Adjusting to Life Abroad With Your Family

Nowadays, we live in a world where both singles and people with families who want to start a new life abroad have...

You are The Miracle! The chance of you existing at all is terrifyingly small…

Do you know how terrifyingly small is the chance of you existing at all? Basically, you are a miracle!

What Is The Important Difference Between Serendipity And Synchronicity?

There are events that happen in a person’s life that seem to transcend coincidence. In fact, using the word...

4 Ways How to Prepare for a Big Change in Your Life

Whether you’re getting married, starting a new job, moving, or having a baby, you’ll quickly find out that there’s no definitive guide...

The 8 Signs You Should Visit A Heart Doctor that You Shouldn’t Ignore

Your heart is one of the most important organs of your body because it pumps about 2,000 gallons of blood every single...

44 Life Themes Everyone Chooses Before Incarnation: Which One Did You Choose?

In her book My Guide, Myself, Sylvia Brown elaborated that before incarnating in planet Earth, we choose a particular Life Theme for our life. And according...

3 Easy Steps to Live The Life You Truly Want

We all have big goals in life. No person can create the change they want to see in their life without themselves taking the necessary...

7 Character Evolving Benefits From Breaking Out of Your Comfort Zone

A comfort zone is psychological space where we feel the safest and find the most comfort. It's the style of living where everything is familiar...