Tag: Anger

The Curious Psychology of Aggression and Violence

Dealing with a violent person can be scary. If you’ve ever dealt with a violent or aggressive person in your life, you...

You Can’t Be Angry After Watching These Cute Babies And 3 Other Strategies To...

One provoking situation can be enough to make you angry throughout your whole day. In order to avoid complicating things, you need to return...

If You’re Annoyed By Others Chewing, You May Be A Genius

There was a girl in some of my middle school classes that hated, I mean HATED, the sound of people chewing. Within just a few...

One Day Buddha Walked Through A Village. When A Very Angry Man Insulted Him...

One day Buddha walked through a village. A very angry and rude young man came up and began insulting him. “You have no right teaching...

What is Anger ? – The Complete Guide

What is anger? It is that feeling of exploding energy deep inside of us; the intense irritation that clouds our judgment and heightens our animal...

The Well Of Broken Dreams

All of us have been hurt, one way or another. All of us have secret doors in our subconscious where we keep bad and...

Get Pissed Off !

I’m not saying that you need to start punching walls. The kind of anger you get when someone hits your car or makes fun...