Tag: science

THIS Eerie Prediction From Carl Sagan Is Going Viral Because It’s Too Real…

There is a message from Carl Sagan that shockingly predicts exactly what happened and how the world feels today. Here it is: "Science is more than...

THIS Is How The Universe Looks Like In ONE Image!

Have you ever tried to imagine the whole Universe? How does it look like? It's rather hard to imagine something so enormous, but it's...

THIS Is Exactly Why Nikola Tesla Told Us To Study The ‘Non Physical’

“The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its...

Scientists Say We Should Only Work Four Days a Week!

Going to work is something the majority of the world takes as normal. 5 days per week, 8 hours per day, all desperately waiting...

Scientists Make A Shocking Claim That The Speed of Light In The Universe Has...

In 1905, a 26 year old Albert Einstein changed physics forever when he outlined his theory of special relativity. This theory outlined the relationship...

New Radical Theory SHATTERS What We Know Of Parallel Universes, Space And Time…

Howard Wiseman of Griffith University in Australia led a team that has created a new, groundbreaking theory. The theory suggests that multiple other universes exist...

THIS Is Why The Sun Is Losing 4,300,000,000 Kg Each Second…

If someone asks you ‘where does light come from’ you will immediately point to the sun. Even the trees and flowers know that. However, that...

You Are Nothing But Energy And This Is How I Can Prove It…

Think of an experience in your childhood. Something you remember clearly, something you can see, feel, maybe even smell, as if you were really...