Tag: Purpose

7 Things That Hold You Back From Living Your Highest Potential

Fulfilling your highest purpose is your life's calling. It's what all comes down to, it's what gives you meaning. It's what makes you feel...

5 Fears You Need To Overcome To Achieve Your Dreams And Purpose In Life

Fears are normal emotions of every human being. While the feelings of fear help us, in a way, to prevent ourselves from getting injured...

7 Signs Your Life Undergoes A Major Shift Towards Your Purpose

When you set out to align yourself to your life's purpose, the Universe will conspire to make it happen. But major life shifts may take...

44 Life Themes Everyone Chooses Before Incarnation: Which One Did You Choose?

In her book My Guide, Myself, Sylvia Brown elaborated that before incarnating in planet Earth, we choose a particular Life Theme for our life. And according...

6 Steps to Align Yourself With Your Purpose

"Living our purpose" has been a popular topic these days. Why not when many have come to be aware of the depths of consciousness...

3 Easy Steps to Live The Life You Truly Want

We all have big goals in life. No person can create the change they want to see in their life without themselves taking the necessary...

10 Most Common Reasons Why People Feel Lost In Life

Getting lost in life from time to time is normal. Nobody went through the journey of finding one's self and perfected the quest the...

10 Unpleasant Signs That Tell You are Moving to The Right Path of Your...

The thing is, we are all born walking on our right path. But as we grow and integrate into society, we start to listen...