Tag: Health

Scientists Reveal The One Simple Activity You Can Do Daily To Prevent Your Brain...

A decline in mental health naturally occurs as we age, especially in the onset of conditions like Alzheimer's disease. However, the Frontiers in Human Neuroscience...

If You Can Choose Anything, What’s The One Thing You Should Start Doing This...

Health is maintained by a way of living. There are a lot of products that claim you will be healthier if you just start using...

7 Beliefs That Show You’re A Completely Emotionally Healthy Individual

The beliefs you strongly hold tell much of yourself, whatever they may be. But this doesn't mean just because you don't have all the...

7 Traits You Might Have Inherited From Your Father And You Don’t Know It

You might have heard the phrase: "It runs in the family". While this could mean specific skills or talents that have been passed from the...

5 Reasons Why Doctors Call Grounding The “Vitamin G” And Its Effects Against Diseases

"Grounding" starts to gain popularity as more health professionals acknowledge its benefits, especially in lowering free radical damage, stress, inflammation, and pain. The focus of...

13 Signs Of Emotional Numbness And How To Remedy Your Situation

If, as a child, you were ordered to shut up when you cried, you're being conditioned for emotional numbness. While this seems acceptable, emotional...

9 Warning Signs Of Mental And Emotional Exhaustion Most People Overlook

Getting tired at some point is something that all of us normally go through. Things we can't control leave us feeling exhausted or drained...

6 Effects Laughter Has On Our Physical Health And Emotional Welness

"Laughter is the best medicine". While this famous quote feels like a cliché, science is providing us with studies that back this up. Not only...