
All of the videos from this website and our suggestions for you to watch.

Matt Damon gives SHOCKING Speech on Global Elite calling for Global Disobedience!

Every day we see more and more people waking up and looking behind the curtains. Even celebrities start active campaigns to help change what...

“Back to The Future” Cast Promotes an Invention that has The Potential to CHANGE...

Marty McFly and Doc Brown went back to the future exactly 26 years ago. Well.. "the future" they called back then is actually our...

Incredible Human Machine

Do you know your body? Do you know how powerful it really is once its limits are pushed? Do you know your limits? You...

The Power Of Thoughts

Before you watch this video I suggest that you get a little inside in what Awakening is. You need to understand what is The...

The Vibrating Universe

Everything is a symphony of vibrations. Watch the vibrating universe and learn more about The Emotional Being and know what are Emotions, Frequency and...


The world will change, that's a fact. How will it change and what will it become depends on us, all of us. It is...

Simon Sinek TED – Restoring the Human in Humanity

Simon O. Sinek through his 39 years become famous by his motivational speaking and his book "Start with Why: How Great Leaders Inspire Everyone...

Randy Pausch Lecture – Time Management

Randy Pausch is a legend when it comes to explaining complex staff. He was a professor for computer science and computer-human interaction. This man...