David Wolverton is one of the coaches that we found this month and we did a little interview with him. He impressed us with his devotion and expertise.
He is not just a coach, he’s a lifelong student of the mind, blending cognitive psychology with personal growth sciences to help people master their mindset. With nearly 40 years of experience training individuals at all levels, from employees to CEOs, he has now fully dedicated himself to Mindset Mastery Coaching, a field he naturally gravitated toward throughout his career.
He offers much more than just coaching to each of his clients. He builds a lifelong support network, ensuring they continue to grow long after their sessions end. What sets him apart is his unique integration of all personal growth sciences, a method that, according to industry leaders, no one else is applying in the same way
He has a very unique approach to coaching that’s all about empowering individuals with the knowledge and tools to truly understand themselves, break free from limiting triggers, and take control of their lives. Passionate, innovative, and deeply committed, he is on a mission to help people take charge of their mindset once and for all. Here is what he said…
Meet Life Coach David Wolverton:

Name: David Wolverton
Pillar: The Mind
Who is this coach for: Anyone who wants to master their mindset so they can become their best selves and live their best life.
How they can help: By using scientifically proven tools and techniques.
First of all, how are you and your family doing after these Pandemic times?
Was there a Pandemic?
How did the coronavirus pandemic affect your clients? Did it affect you at all?
It shut down the job I was doing at the time.
This was a large part of the reason that I shifted to Coaching that can be done over the Internet via Zoom.
What are the biggest lessons that you learned in this pandemic?
All of us need to diversify our incomes to a combination of passive and active incomes so that if it ever again becomes necessary to lock us in, it won’t bankrupt us or crush us.
The Origin:
Tell us about you, your career, how you started with your coaching career?
I’m David, married to the same woman for 25 years with whom I’ve helped raise three young men, 25, 24 and 22.
My hobbies include reading, socialising, coffee.
My academic bents include dead languages, quantum mechanics and the personal growth sciences and, for excercise, I like to hike, treadmill and train three times a week in Krav Maga.
Vocationally, I’m a Mindset Mastery Coach.
This branch of science falls under the catagory of, “Cognitive Psychology.”
Although I’ve been Training people from various positons (ranging from Trainer all the way to C.E.O.) for the better part of forty years now, niching exclusively to Mindset Mastery is something I started just six months ago.
Having realised, I’ve been coaching people on their mindset in every job I’ve done since starting work nearly 40 years ago, Coaching Mindset Mastery is the only thing I do now and plan to do for the rest of my Working life.
What was your biggest obstacle that you had to overcome in your life that made you who you are today?
The largest thing I had to overcome was my lack of clarity in what I did vocationally. (The problem with being able to do so much is that you say ‘yes’ to things that don’t fulfil your purpose.)
The Coaching Style:
How do you innovate with coaching your clients?
According to the leaders in the personal Growh Sciences I’ve spoken to, I’m the first and only one who incorporates all of the personal growth sciences in my Coaching and writing.
What’s unique about your coaching approach?
It would be that I use ALL of the personal growth sciences in my Coaching.
What benefits do your clients get after working with you?
I don’t give people fish… I teach them to fish.
I teach them how to understand mindset, which teaches them to understand themselves.
I teach people what triggers are and how to cope when triggered and how to work towards putting mechanisms in place to cope when a triggering event next happens.
I teach people how to research things independently.
I provide them with a lifetime support network so that everyone who’s graduated the course has a support network of other graduates to help them, encourage them, and push them to KEEP winning.
They also get excercises to get to know themselves to understand how and why they are the way they are and how to change.
Do you use any specific tools to be efficient with your clients?
I use Science, not hypnosis (I don’t believe in it).
The Impact:
If you had a super megaphone that, when you speak into, the whole world will hear your message, what would you say?
Are you living your ‘best life’?
Are you happy with the way you think, hear, act and speak?
Ever wished you can change?
Science has irrefutably proven that with the right Coaching, hard work, and stickitivity, you can change all of the above…
Not just for a short time, but permenantly and forever.
What is the greatest lesson you have learned in your life?
None of us has eternity on this Earth.
Live to make impact and leave a positive legacy.
Your final thoughts?
Most of us were hurt by our pasts.
Parents who put us down, teachers who didn’t know how to help us, love lost, betrayal, rejection, abuse…
I help people take the reins of their lives in order to become their best self so they can live their best life.
Where Can You Find David Wolverton?
If you liked this interview and if you would love to master your mindset so you can become your best self and live the best version of your life, go to wolverton.net.au and find how Coach David can help you do that.
If you’d like to peak a glimpse into his coaching, follow his Facebook profile.
And if you’d like to connect with him more personally, you can do that through LinkedIn or by sending him a direct message on his Email [email protected]. It was an honor having this interview with him.