Nattolie Chilton is one of the coaches that we found this month and we did a little interview with her. She impressed us with her passion and positivity.
Her path has been one of relentless self discovery and healing. Life is often a journey of challenges and transformation, and for her, it has been nothing short of a profound “Kintsugi Journey”, a life once broken, now beautifully pieced back together with strength and purpose.
Her early start began with a career in massage therapy without formal certification. From battling addiction, eating disorders, and deep rooted generational trauma, she managed to overcome many challenges that made her who she is today. Guided by Jungian teachings, spiritual psychology, and supernatural mentorship, she has turned her struggles into wisdom, culminating in her book “Unsilenced Use Your Voice Words Hold Power“, which chronicles her inspiring personal transformation.
Her unique coaching approach blends deep compassion with intuitive guidance, drawing from personal experience at “ground zero” and a firm belief in the power of spiritual truth. With tools such as hypnotherapy, storytelling, and holistic wellness practices, she creates a safe space for clients to rebuild their sense of self-worth and step into a life of authenticity and empowerment. Today, as a Truth Coach and Solution Focused Counselor, she passionately supports others in breaking free from secrets and self doubt. Here is what she said…
Meet Life Coach Nattolie Chilton:

Name: Nattolie Chilton
Pillar: The Spirit, The Mind, The Body, The Heart
Who is this coach for: Anyone who wants to stop keeping secrets from themselves, align with the truth of their soul, find peace and achieve wellbeing.
How they can help: By using her intuitive abilities, deep wellness knowledge, and compassionate guidance in combination with various tools and techniques, like storytelling and hypnotherapy, just to name a few.
First of all, how are you and your family doing after these Pandemic times?
After the pandemic!? Relief.
We’re avid travelers and missed this the most, living in Northern Canada is pretty brutal! -40 at times.
Our first trip was to Vegas then Aruba.
Our family is still quite splintered due to the divisiveness of that era.
(Re)building bridges and seeing the need to be mindful to spend bonded time offline is the present focus.
The pandemic forged some powerful habits, some of them non optimal.
How did the coronavirus pandemic affect your clients? Did it affect you at all?
I had a few clients during Pandemic time, we were already working remotely.
What are the biggest lessons that you learned in this pandemic?
I’ve been a loner much of my life and avoided people for many good reasons!
Periodically, I felt as though my isolating habits were no longer serving me. I felt lonely.
The pandemic magnified an actual desire for human interaction.
When we were instructed to socialy distance, I had a classic mismatching reaction and immediately wanted to socialize more (Rebel at heart).
I got busy with an online somatic training process over nine months which provided a lot of connection which has served me very well by preparing me for my book(s) release(s), public speaking and podcasting.
The Origin:
Tell us about you, your career, how you started with your coaching career?
Life began broken and continued in that vein, so it’s been a Kintsugi Journey all along.
I was born in BC in the Kootenays, with a healing gift in my hands and a heart to love.
I always had a boss mentality, so I began a massage practice without certification at twenty!
I learned on the ropes.
Decades of addiction, eating disorders, and unresolved issues led to poor health and I began to seek answers.
I found some in Jungian teachings, Spiritual psychology and ultimately received supernatural mentorship from the Creator!
Multi generational trauma and its fallout, almost blew out my light, which I’ve chronicled over ten years in my newly released true story “Unsilenced Use Your Voice Words Hold Power“.
My book is a large part of my resume as a Truth Coach and Solution Focused Counselor (SFC).
How I began coaching:
After a near fatal encounter with mind control and bad people, the precious NLP seeds planted by Tony Robbins were activated which spurred me to begin immediate training intensively with Dr. Marilyn Atkinson over a six year period which put me somewhat back together.
I took the training for myself and it’s taken two decades to heal and arrive to a place of being empowered and whole.
I’m passionate to support others in getting free of secrets, in particular. Denial is darkness.
What was your biggest obstacle that you had to overcome in your life that made you who you are today?
‘What is wrong with you?’ was the top messaging I received.
This predictably led me to believe my identity was flawed and bad.
This relentless, congruent message formed a rock solid belief in an identity of worth | less | ness which I internalized.
It was the poison gift that kept giving until that lie was slayed by the Truth.
God doesn’t make any junk.
I needed to believe that I was a Divine and Loved Soul and it was a long difficult journey to internalize THAT.
Today, I know I’m loved (learning more every day on how to love me deeper and deeper) and know I hold as much value as anyone else.
The Supernatural communications I had, were needed, to shatter the lying (felt) belief that I was an unloved orphan.
In 2000 I saw the hand of God and in 2007 I heard across the Universe ‘I AM with you.’ A Massive Pattern Breaker!
The Coaching Style:
How do you innovate with coaching your clients?
I work from a Compassion and Love model and had recent training with Anneke Lucas, a survivor of SRA.
What’s unique about my method is I ask the Spirit of Truth to lead and guide for ultimate outcomes.
Supernatural quickening of the process.
Because I’ve been to ground zero, clients can trust me.
Their unconscious mind tends to know I am safe.
I use hypnotherapy to assist in relaxation, so walls can begin to come down and a renewal of identity can emerge.
Storytelling (hypnotherapy) paints new realities and builds new pathways (grids) in the brain, heart and soul where brighter, new narratives of hope and faith can live.
Self belief can be very hard when someone has a lot of experience feeling like a failure and a great number of loss’ in life.
Victim detoxification is a huge piece, as is the holding of bitterness and unforgiveness which sits in the heart and I believe drives many physical heart conditions and even weight issues.
The brain and body are highly symbolic and an emotional or soul disturbance can physically manifest.
What’s unique about your coaching approach?
Asking for Supernatural guidance from the Spirit of Truth is something I openly do and haven’t heard others speak of.
I’m an unreligious Jesus follower. Coolest most powerful man who ever lived.
As a highly creative and magical thinker, I’m open to walking on water literally and figuratively.
In the Quantum sense, these things are possible.
What benefits do your clients get after working with you?
Admission of issues and happenings that nag the conscience will bring great relief and more peace than you’ve ever had.
Do you use any specific tools to be efficient with your clients?
I possess deep wellness knowledge and intuition to work at all levels… body, mind and spirit.
Nutrition, somatic exercise, high pH water, full spectrum light for mood disturbances…
Often, low tech solutions are overlooked, which can interfere significantly.
Working with trauma, addiction, and general overwhelm: small consistent steps, establishing safety, trust and support… all do wonders.
A voice assessment technology based on the lie detector test can be arranged with my trusted practitioner to provide a tangible emotional printout based on their own voice.
The Impact:
If you had a super megaphone that, when you speak into, the whole world will hear your message, what would you say?
Divine Identity is inseparable from fulfilling Destiny.
To know and live the fullness of our Unique Destiny we must embrace and love EVERY part of who we are.
To fulfill our soul missions, we need full access to our Divine Identity blueprint which acts as Key to empower us to have the fulfillment we each desire.
What is the greatest lesson you have learned in your life?
Align with the truth.
I never told of the things that happened to me as a kid and beyond.
I began to share some of the things at twenty six, finally.
That initial stronghold of secret keeping acted like a magnet that drew other secrets to itself, into an inner vault of self which caused me great fragmentation of Identity.
Note to self and others:
Share the secrets with a safe person as soon as you realize you’re lying and hiding.
Lying can be a trauma response.
Lying is bondage ultimately.
Your final thoughts?
Be courageous.
Be honest.
I say honesty is the new sexy (tongue in cheek).
Lastly I’m incredibly honored to be invited by Life Coach Code to share in our personal growth evolutionary Journey!
May our Ripple Effects bring much refreshment to those desiring renewal and transformation.
Download The Ripple Effect of Impact for free!
My contribution, Chapter 16: Touched by the Supernatural, offers a glimpse into the themes of my book, “Unsilenced Use Your Voice Words Hold Power“.
Where Can You Find Nattolie Chilton?
If you liked this interview and if you would love to see how Truth Coach Nattolie can help you uncover all your secrets that are fragmenting your identity, go to and find your next step.
If you’d like to peak a glimpse into her coaching, definitely get her book “Unsilenced Use Your Voice Words Hold Power“. You can also follow her YouTube channel, as well as her Instagram account and Facebook profile.
Feel free to watch her TED Talk here:
And if you’d like to connect with her more personally, you can do that through LinkedIn or by sending her a message on her Email [email protected]. It was an honor having this interview with her.