The Spirit

9 Signs You Are Experiencing A Synchronicity And what It Means

You have probably heard about synchronicities, or maybe you are reading this article exactly because of a synchronicity bringing you…

5 years ago

5 Most Beautiful Quotes By Osho About Love

Take a moment and look around you. Love is the main topic in almost every direction you turn towards, is…

5 years ago

The 5 Things Other People Really Want From You

Most people think that other people are out to get them. They believe that others conspire against them. But they…

5 years ago

9 Most Enlightening Quotes By Rumi To Remind Yourself Of Every Day

Stress and anxiety of modern day living have a tendency to steer us away from they beauty of the world…

5 years ago

5 Precise Steps How To Realign Yourself With Your Purpose

“No man or woman is an island. To exist just for yourself is meaningless. You can achieve the most satisfaction…

5 years ago

3 Big Reasons Why Skeptics Should Give Astrology The Benefit Of The Doubt

Astrology is a term that is extremely misunderstood by the masses of society. Some people think of it as magical…

5 years ago

10 Quotes By Buddha That Have The Capacity To Free You From Anxiety

Anxiety is something majority of the population lives with in silence. Most people go about and cope with anxiety every…

5 years ago

Astrology And Cosmic Update For December 2018: Here is What December is Bringing for Each Person

This year was an year of big introspection and examination of our emotional self. The last couple of months we…

5 years ago

10 Profound Quotes That Reduce Anxiety

Anxiety seems to be the modern world's default state of existence. We try to hide it, we try to act…

5 years ago

10 Biggest Life Secrets That Have Been Forgotten By Mankind

All humanity seems to have an amnesia. Humanity seems to have lost a piece of its knowledge. When we look…

5 years ago

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