The Body

Rub THIS Natural Ingredient On Your Skin Tags And They Will Disappear In NO TIME!

Skin tags are common soft skin growths that can appear quickly in inconvenient places. Specifically, they often form around the…

8 years ago

The Real Reason Why Your Running Shoes Have Those Extra Holes!

You’ve probably noticed that there are two small eyelets at the top of your running shoes. Maybe you’ve wondered what…

8 years ago

First Human Being Has Their DNA Manipulated To Make White Blood Cells 20 Years Younger!

Elizabeth Parris, the CEO of "Bioviva" USA Inc, has become the very first human being to successfully, from a biological…

8 years ago

The ‘Muscle Of The Soul’ May Be Causing You Fear And Anxiety!

The psoas major muscle (pronounced “so-as”) is often referred to as the deepest core, or as yoga therapist and film-maker…

8 years ago

Doctors Explain How Hiking Actually Changes Our Brains

Negative thoughts are something every single one of us struggles with. Some have more some have less and that's normal.…

8 years ago

Everyone Who Has THESE Holes On The Back is Really Special! THIS is Why…

These small circles are called "Venus Holes" and are formed on the lower back of women. However, some men can…

8 years ago

If You Can Say “Yes” to What These Activists are Asking from This Cop than You are OK to Eat Meat and Eggs!

A couple of activists entered an egg hatchery and stopped the machine that shreds to death male chicks. The managers called the police…

8 years ago

Why Do Most Writers Run? [A Confession By Authors]

There’s a long tradition of writers leaving their pens or screens behind to stride along roads, tracks, and trails. Jonathan…

8 years ago

SHOCKING! Study Confirms that DNA from GMOs Can Pass Directly Into You!

A recent study published in the scientific journal "PLOS ONE" found that large, meal-derived DNA fragments from GMOs are fully…

8 years ago

Vegetarianism will Save 7,3 Million Human Lives Until Year 2050 and That’s Not All!

1 Million human lives might be saved each year if people accept the vegetarian style of eating, shows a new…

8 years ago

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