
NASA Got Sick Of Those Conspiracy Theories About The Moon And Released Over 10,000 More Photos!

‘The Space Race’ was a defining factor in the ‘Cold War’. The Soviets beat the US 2 times; first with their orbiting satellite “Sputnik” and second with the first human who ever went in space, Yuri Gagarin.

However, the race wasn’t over yet. The moon was the ‘finish line’ that determined who won. That’s why the US did everything they could to win, maybe even cheat (winning would not just mean who has a bigger ‘stick’, but a global political and technological domination).

A significant bunch of the world is still skeptical if we really stepped on the moon. Recently,  NASA uploaded just about every image captured by Apollo astronauts on lunar missions,  which you can find on their Project Apollo Archive Flickr account. There are some 8,400 photographs in all at a resolution of 1800 dpi, and they’re sorted by the roll of film they were on. Here are some of them:




































The people who went there are real heroes. They stepped up for humanity to expand its frontiers risking their lives in an unknown domain no one ever went. That’s brave! We need to honor these people no matter if some of the images were faked or not! Because it’s not important who stepped first, what’s important is that we stepped. And if we do not honor the individuals who took the role to represent the step of humanity, sooner or later we’ll run out of heroes who expand our limits (because who would want to risk their life like that). The most important thing is to strive together!

Source: The Vintage News;

Dejan Davcevski

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