
14 Heartwarming Illustrations About The MAGICAL Love Between Dads And Their Little Girls

The first superheroes that we meet in life are our parents. As kids we see our parents as an unstoppable force. After all, they are the ones who give us life. They are the first people who introduce us to this world here. They are gods for us.

Our father is a hero who will keep us safe no matter what. And this is not far from the truth. Most dads will do anything humanly possible to protect their children.

Sons and mothers have a special bond. However, fathers and daughters have a special bond too.

This connection is sometimes so beautiful to watch, most people silently observe and enjoy it.

To illustrate this special and tender love in the most exquisite way, Snezhana Soosh, a young painter, has drew beautiful watercolor paintings on her Instagram.


Dads are always ready to protect us from anything — whether it’s the bullies at school or the monsters under our beds


Dads are never afraid of doing impossible things for us. Learning how to braid our hair, for example


When you’re with daddy you always feel like you’re on the top of the world


He’s so warm and cozy


A big dad can easily become smaller for his beloved daughter


Dads always find the time to join us at our little tea party, even when they’re very busy


They know exactly what we enjoy


That’s why it’s always so hard to let them go


They play together


The sky is fantasy


Dads can do anything, including crazy freaky things


Or help us deal with something really difficult


They’re always ready to have fun!


Dads use their lifetime to protect and love their daughters

Sources: Bored Panda; http://www.adme.ru;

Dejan Davcevski

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