Tag: Emotion

5 Ways How To Use Anxiety In Your Advantage

When you embrace uncertainty as a natural part of the world, anxiety seems to lose its grip on you.

5 Signs You Are An Extreme Sensitive

When we think of people with great strength of character, who are able to come through difficult circumstances often seemingly unfazed, we don’t generally...

7 Traits Of The Most Powerful Type Of Empath The Heyoka

An 'Empath' is someone who has a spiritual talent to perceive and understand other people's emotional states. This process usually happens subconsciously and the Empath...

Instructor Telling A Student ‘It’s OK to cry’ Is A Lesson Not Taught In...

Pain is a part of life. You cannot escape feeling pain from time to time, be that emotional or physical. However, you can choose...

This Is What Each Emotion Is DESPERATELY Trying To Tell You…

Your Spirit and Body communicate with you in various ways. One of them is the language of emotions. If you learn how to communicate with...

Could Ayahuasca Be a Hack with Which You Can REPROGRAM Yourself?!

In a couple of studies scientists discover the remarkable effects this hallucinogenic drink has over our brain. Ayahuasca activates the Pre-Frontal Cortex of our brain....

Why The Law of Attraction is Not Working for YOU ?

Let’s clear something out right at the beginning. It's not that The Law of Attraction is not working, The Law of Attraction is not...

Do You Know You were Most Likely Part of a Facebook Experiment ?

In June, Facebook researchers announced the results of a 2011 study that manipulated the news feeds of nearly a million user news feeds to...